中国大学MOOC: 反稀释条款(Anti-dilution)分( )类。
中国大学MOOC: 反稀释条款(Anti-dilution)分( )类。
用于描述卫星的几何分布对测量精度影响的精度衰减因子有()等。 A: AGDOP–Geometry Dilution of Precision,几何精度衰减因子 B: BPDOP–Position Dilution of Precision,位置精度衰减因子 C: CTDOP–Time Dilution of Precision,时间精度衰减因子 D: DHDOP–Horizontal Dilution of Precision,平面精度衰减因子 E: EVDOP–Vertical Dilution of Precision,高程精度衰减因子
用于描述卫星的几何分布对测量精度影响的精度衰减因子有()等。 A: AGDOP–Geometry Dilution of Precision,几何精度衰减因子 B: BPDOP–Position Dilution of Precision,位置精度衰减因子 C: CTDOP–Time Dilution of Precision,时间精度衰减因子 D: DHDOP–Horizontal Dilution of Precision,平面精度衰减因子 E: EVDOP–Vertical Dilution of Precision,高程精度衰减因子
反稀释条款(Anti-dilution)分( )类。 A: 三类 B: 两类 C: 四类 D: 一类
反稀释条款(Anti-dilution)分( )类。 A: 三类 B: 两类 C: 四类 D: 一类
概念题:反歧视政策( anti discrimination policies)
概念题:反歧视政策( anti discrimination policies)
Which of the following is a prefix? A: –sur B: –tion C: -anti D: -tri
Which of the following is a prefix? A: –sur B: –tion C: -anti D: -tri
The main hormone that affect the concentration and dilution of urine is A: ADH B: Adrenaline C: Renin D: Urea
The main hormone that affect the concentration and dilution of urine is A: ADH B: Adrenaline C: Renin D: Urea
What does "anti" mean as a prefix? A: opposed to; against B: again C: across; beyond
What does "anti" mean as a prefix? A: opposed to; against B: again C: across; beyond
以下( )不是杀毒软件。 A: 瑞星 B: Word C: Norton Anti Virs D: 金山毒霸
以下( )不是杀毒软件。 A: 瑞星 B: Word C: Norton Anti Virs D: 金山毒霸
After the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, anti terrorismbecame a priority on the agenda of themajority of the countries all over the world.
After the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, anti terrorismbecame a priority on the agenda of themajority of the countries all over the world.