创建26个大写字母的列表推导式正确的是( )。 A: [chr(65+i) for i in range(26)] B: import string[ch for ch in string.ascii_uppercase] C: string.ascii_uppercase为ASCII码表中的所有大写字母 D: [chr(97+i) for i in range(26)] E: import string[ch for ch in string.ascii_lowercase] F: string.ascii_lowercase为ASCII码表中的所有小写字母
创建26个大写字母的列表推导式正确的是( )。 A: [chr(65+i) for i in range(26)] B: import string[ch for ch in string.ascii_uppercase] C: string.ascii_uppercase为ASCII码表中的所有大写字母 D: [chr(97+i) for i in range(26)] E: import string[ch for ch in string.ascii_lowercase] F: string.ascii_lowercase为ASCII码表中的所有小写字母
Please fill in the blank with ______ letters, that is, letters in their small forms. A: capital B: lowercase C: uppercase D: lower
Please fill in the blank with ______ letters, that is, letters in their small forms. A: capital B: lowercase C: uppercase D: lower
All keywords in C are in ____________ A: LowerCase letters B: UpperCase letters C: CamelCase letters D: None of the mentioned
All keywords in C are in ____________ A: LowerCase letters B: UpperCase letters C: CamelCase letters D: None of the mentioned
1.编程:从键盘输入一个英文字母,判断大小写,若是大写,输出“uppercase”,否则输出“lowercase”。部分程序如下: #include intmain(void) { charch; ch=getchar(); if() printf("uppercase%c\n",ch); else printf("lowercase%c\n",ch); return0; }
1.编程:从键盘输入一个英文字母,判断大小写,若是大写,输出“uppercase”,否则输出“lowercase”。部分程序如下: #include intmain(void) { charch; ch=getchar(); if() printf("uppercase%c\n",ch); else printf("lowercase%c\n",ch); return0; }
If one Roman numeral is subdivided into capital letters and the next one is subdivided as far as lowercase letters, the outline probably is correct.
If one Roman numeral is subdivided into capital letters and the next one is subdivided as far as lowercase letters, the outline probably is correct.
下列选项中,text-transform属性的属性值有() A: capitalize B: line-through C: lowercase D: uppercase
下列选项中,text-transform属性的属性值有() A: capitalize B: line-through C: lowercase D: uppercase
下列语句均为类定义成员变量定义,其中合法的语句是( )。 A: string _string; B: string @string; C: string string; D: string _;
下列语句均为类定义成员变量定义,其中合法的语句是( )。 A: string _string; B: string @string; C: string string; D: string _;
声明一个有3个元素的String类型的数组,不正确的是 A: String[] str = new String[3]; B: String str[] = new String[3]; C: String [] str = new String[3]; D: String[3] str = new String();
声明一个有3个元素的String类型的数组,不正确的是 A: String[] str = new String[3]; B: String str[] = new String[3]; C: String [] str = new String[3]; D: String[3] str = new String();
主方法的参数类型是 A: String[] B: String C: string[] D: string
主方法的参数类型是 A: String[] B: String C: string[] D: string