下列哪位演奏家在《第二钢琴协奏曲》中使用了明显的强弱对比手法?( ) A: Gould,G B: Rachmaninoff C: Richste D: Katchen
下列哪位演奏家在《第二钢琴协奏曲》中使用了明显的强弱对比手法?( ) A: Gould,G B: Rachmaninoff C: Richste D: Katchen
What has Lang Lang NOT done according to the passage? A: He has dubbed Kongfu Panda. B: He has performed at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2008. C: He has made recordings of Rachmaninoff. D: He has provided the soundtrack to Gran Turismo 5.
What has Lang Lang NOT done according to the passage? A: He has dubbed Kongfu Panda. B: He has performed at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2008. C: He has made recordings of Rachmaninoff. D: He has provided the soundtrack to Gran Turismo 5.