• 2022-06-06 问题

    A.three quarters of the surfaceB.areC.thereD.if Nearly (three quarters of the surface) of the earth (are) covered with water, and (there) would be even less land (if) the polar icecaps were melt.

    A.three quarters of the surfaceB.areC.thereD.if Nearly (three quarters of the surface) of the earth (are) covered with water, and (there) would be even less land (if) the polar icecaps were melt.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Tony was promoted after A: A.three months. B: B.six months. C: C.twelve months.

    Tony was promoted after A: A.three months. B: B.six months. C: C.twelve months.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Mr. Robinson could start the new job in A: A.three weeks. B: B.six weeks. C: C.eight weeks.

    Mr. Robinson could start the new job in A: A.three weeks. B: B.six weeks. C: C.eight weeks.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    int one = 10 ; int two = 20 ; int three = 0 ; three=one+two; System.out.println("three = one + two ==> "+three); three+=one; System.out.println("three += one ==> "+three); three-=one; System.out.println("three -= one ==> "+three); three*=one; System.out.println("three *= one ==> "+three); three/=one; System.out.println("three /= one ==> "+three); three%=one; System.out.println("three %= one ==> "+three);

    int one = 10 ; int two = 20 ; int three = 0 ; three=one+two; System.out.println("three = one + two ==> "+three); three+=one; System.out.println("three += one ==> "+three); three-=one; System.out.println("three -= one ==> "+three); three*=one; System.out.println("three *= one ==> "+three); three/=one; System.out.println("three /= one ==> "+three); three%=one; System.out.println("three %= one ==> "+three);

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    请选出小数0.33的正确读法 A: zero three three B: zero point thirty three C: zero point three three D: point three three

    请选出小数0.33的正确读法 A: zero three three B: zero point thirty three C: zero point three three D: point three three

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    ____ of the land ____ covered with water. A: Three fourth; is B: Three fourth; are C: Three fourths; is D: Three fourths; are

    ____ of the land ____ covered with water. A: Three fourth; is B: Three fourth; are C: Three fourths; is D: Three fourths; are

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    There are _______ students in our school. A: three thousands B: three thousand of C: three thousand D: three thousands of

    There are _______ students in our school. A: three thousands B: three thousand of C: three thousand D: three thousands of

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    ________ of the earth ________ covered by sea. A: Three fourth; is B: Three fourths; is C: Three fourth; are D: Three fourths; are

    ________ of the earth ________ covered by sea. A: Three fourth; is B: Three fourths; is C: Three fourth; are D: Three fourths; are

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    ____of the students in Class Three____girls. A: Threefifths… is B: Threefifths… are C: Threefifth… is D: Threefifthes… are

    ____of the students in Class Three____girls. A: Threefifths… is B: Threefifths… are C: Threefifth… is D: Threefifthes… are

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    They cleaned their classroom ____ . A: three hours B: on three hours C: three hours ago D: three hours later

    They cleaned their classroom ____ . A: three hours B: on three hours C: three hours ago D: three hours later

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10