• 2021-04-14 问题

    The YouGov poll of 2, 000 people indicates that in a recession ________.

    The YouGov poll of 2, 000 people indicates that in a recession ________.

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    According to a __________ of 1 000 city residents, garbage collection is the city service people like most.

    According to a __________ of 1 000 city residents, garbage collection is the city service people like most.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Human communication is as old as mankind.20, 000 years ago, people started to use script to communicate. ( )

    Human communication is as old as mankind.20, 000 years ago, people started to use script to communicate. ( )

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    That forced usto layoff about 1, 000 people, and we set up an service within our own company.

    That forced usto layoff about 1, 000 people, and we set up an service within our own company.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    How many people outside cities go into cities to look for jobs each day() A: 70% of the people. B: 4% of the people in the world. C: More than 75 000. D: About 75 000 peopl

    How many people outside cities go into cities to look for jobs each day() A: 70% of the people. B: 4% of the people in the world. C: More than 75 000. D: About 75 000 peopl

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The discovery seems to______that people lived here over 10, 000 years ago. A: affirm B: conform C: confirm D: foster

    The discovery seems to______that people lived here over 10, 000 years ago. A: affirm B: conform C: confirm D: foster

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    5,00a000a07,00a000a04,00a000a06,00a000a04,00a000a06,00a000a0(  )。

    5,00a000a07,00a000a04,00a000a06,00a000a04,00a000a06,00a000a0(  )。

  • 2022-06-26 问题

    A企业收到B企业投入的款项1 000 000元,存入银行。编制的会计分录是( )。 A: 借:银行存款 1 000 000 贷:实收资本 1 000 000 B: 借:库存现金 1 000 000 贷:实收资本 1 000 000 C: 借:银行存款 1 000 000 贷:资本公积 1 000 000 D: 借:实收资本 1 000 000 贷:银行存款 1 000 000

    A企业收到B企业投入的款项1 000 000元,存入银行。编制的会计分录是( )。 A: 借:银行存款 1 000 000 贷:实收资本 1 000 000 B: 借:库存现金 1 000 000 贷:实收资本 1 000 000 C: 借:银行存款 1 000 000 贷:资本公积 1 000 000 D: 借:实收资本 1 000 000 贷:银行存款 1 000 000

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    领用原材料时的会计分录为( )。 A: 借:生产成本 10 000 制造费用 3 000 管理费用 1 000 贷:材料采购 14 000 B: 借:生产成本 10 000 制造费用 3 000 管理费用 1 000 贷:原材料 14 000 C: 借:生产成本 10 000 制造费用 3 000 管理费用 1 000 贷:在途物资 14 000 D: 借:生产成本 10 000 制造费用 3 000 管理费用 1 000 贷:应付账款 14 000

    领用原材料时的会计分录为( )。 A: 借:生产成本 10 000 制造费用 3 000 管理费用 1 000 贷:材料采购 14 000 B: 借:生产成本 10 000 制造费用 3 000 管理费用 1 000 贷:原材料 14 000 C: 借:生产成本 10 000 制造费用 3 000 管理费用 1 000 贷:在途物资 14 000 D: 借:生产成本 10 000 制造费用 3 000 管理费用 1 000 贷:应付账款 14 000

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    肾上腺素与局部麻醉药混合溶液的常用浓度比为 A、1∶(40 000~100 000) B、1∶(10 000~100 000) C、1∶(100 000~200 000) D、1∶(200 000~400 000) E、1∶(400 000~500 000)

    肾上腺素与局部麻醉药混合溶液的常用浓度比为 A、1∶(40 000~100 000) B、1∶(10 000~100 000) C、1∶(100 000~200 000) D、1∶(200 000~400 000) E、1∶(400 000~500 000)

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10