• 2022-06-17 问题

    定义如下结构体来描述一个人的基本情况: struct date {int year; int month; int day; }; struct person {char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }man;如果某人的生日是1988年10月9日,下列对生日的正确赋值是 。 A: man·birthday·year=1988 man·birthday·.month=10 man·birthday·day=9 B: birthday·year=1988birthday·month=10birthday·day=9 C: man·year=1988man·month=10man·day=9 D: year=1988 month=10 day=9

    定义如下结构体来描述一个人的基本情况: struct date {int year; int month; int day; }; struct person {char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }man;如果某人的生日是1988年10月9日,下列对生日的正确赋值是 。 A: man·birthday·year=1988 man·birthday·.month=10 man·birthday·day=9 B: birthday·year=1988birthday·month=10birthday·day=9 C: man·year=1988man·month=10man·day=9 D: year=1988 month=10 day=9

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    When is the man going to graduate this year A: In June. B: In July. C: In September.

    When is the man going to graduate this year A: In June. B: In July. C: In September.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    When is the man going to graduate this year A: Yes. B: No. C: In process.

    When is the man going to graduate this year A: Yes. B: No. C: In process.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    When is the man going to graduate this year A: To look for job. B: To travel. C: To go abroad for further studies.

    When is the man going to graduate this year A: To look for job. B: To travel. C: To go abroad for further studies.

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    If a man has been unemployed for a year, he ______. A: will be happy and relieved B: will be hopeless C: will lose patience D: both B and C

    If a man has been unemployed for a year, he ______. A: will be happy and relieved B: will be hopeless C: will lose patience D: both B and C

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    What are the man’s hobbies What is the man going to do next year A: Enter for the London Marathon. B: Do a cross-country running. C: Climb the Alps with his wife. D: Complete a course in snow and ice climbing.

    What are the man’s hobbies What is the man going to do next year A: Enter for the London Marathon. B: Do a cross-country running. C: Climb the Alps with his wife. D: Complete a course in snow and ice climbing.

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    When was the man in New York A: About two years ago. B: About one year ago, C: About three years ago.

    When was the man in New York A: About two years ago. B: About one year ago, C: About three years ago.

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    When did the man start writing books A: After he came to Paris. B: Since the year of 2004. C: When he was at school.

    When did the man start writing books A: After he came to Paris. B: Since the year of 2004. C: When he was at school.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    How long has the man worked on his invention? A: for 1 year B: for over 2 years C: for 3 years D: not mentioned

    How long has the man worked on his invention? A: for 1 year B: for over 2 years C: for 3 years D: not mentioned

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Davos man refers to the members of the international business elite who trek each year to the Swiss Alpine town for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

    Davos man refers to the members of the international business elite who trek each year to the Swiss Alpine town for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

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