Both EnglishandFrenchare ______ inCanada.[ ]A.spoken
Both EnglishandFrenchare ______ inCanada.[ ]A.spoken
The legal system inCanada is based on English common law and there is no exception.
The legal system inCanada is based on English common law and there is no exception.
InCanada territtories have more autonomy from the federal government than provinces have.
InCanada territtories have more autonomy from the federal government than provinces have.
Educatinal systems inCanada derived from British, American, and particularly in the province of Quebec, French traditions.
Educatinal systems inCanada derived from British, American, and particularly in the province of Quebec, French traditions.
【判断题】Suppose that the constant marginal cost of producing an extra automobile is $11,000 inCanada, $8,000 in theUnited States, and $12,000 inJapan, Canada will import cars from United States. A. 正确 B. 错误
【判断题】Suppose that the constant marginal cost of producing an extra automobile is $11,000 inCanada, $8,000 in theUnited States, and $12,000 inJapan, Canada will import cars from United States. A. 正确 B. 错误
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