By the late 1980’s Hip-hop had become more popular than rock music in America.
By the late 1980’s Hip-hop had become more popular than rock music in America.
【单选题】有以下定义和语句 struct workers { int num;char name[20];char c; struct{int day; int month; int year; } s; } ; struct workers w,*pw; pw=&w; 能给 w 中 year 成员赋 1980 的语句是 () A. (*pw).s.year=1980; B. w.year=1980; C. pw‐>year=1980; D. pw.s.year=1980;
【单选题】有以下定义和语句 struct workers { int num;char name[20];char c; struct{int day; int month; int year; } s; } ; struct workers w,*pw; pw=&w; 能给 w 中 year 成员赋 1980 的语句是 () A. (*pw).s.year=1980; B. w.year=1980; C. pw‐>year=1980; D. pw.s.year=1980;
She has been working in this factory (). A: in 1980 B: after 1980 C: since 1980 D: until 1980
She has been working in this factory (). A: in 1980 B: after 1980 C: since 1980 D: until 1980
已知学生记录描述为:struct student{ int num; char name[20]; struct { int year;int month;int day;}birth;};struct student s;下列对“生日”的正确赋值方式是( ) A: year=1980; month=6; day=11; B: birth.year=1980;birth.month=6;; C: s.year=1980; s.month=6;; D: s.birth.year=1980; s.birth.month=6;;
已知学生记录描述为:struct student{ int num; char name[20]; struct { int year;int month;int day;}birth;};struct student s;下列对“生日”的正确赋值方式是( ) A: year=1980; month=6; day=11; B: birth.year=1980;birth.month=6;; C: s.year=1980; s.month=6;; D: s.birth.year=1980; s.birth.month=6;;
A. 1980
A. 1980
【单选题】下述对出生日期进行比较的表达式中,正确的是 A. 出生日期 >‘1980/1/1’ B. 出生日期 > 1980/1/1 C. 出生日期 > 1980:1:1 D. 出生日期 > ‘1980:1:1’
【单选题】下述对出生日期进行比较的表达式中,正确的是 A. 出生日期 >‘1980/1/1’ B. 出生日期 > 1980/1/1 C. 出生日期 > 1980:1:1 D. 出生日期 > ‘1980:1:1’
软件危机出现在( ) A: 1950~1960 B: 1970~1980 C: 1960~1970 D: 1980~至今
软件危机出现在( ) A: 1950~1960 B: 1970~1980 C: 1960~1970 D: 1980~至今
Оннашелсоглашение____10-гоянваря1980года. A: к B: до C: по D: от
Оннашелсоглашение____10-гоянваря1980года. A: к B: до C: по D: от
Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed. (3分08秒-4分02秒) The paper lead the speaker testifying to Congress in the 1980’s, testimony in which he emphasized that global warming increases
Please Listen to the following TED talk and answer the questions followed. (3分08秒-4分02秒) The paper lead the speaker testifying to Congress in the 1980’s, testimony in which he emphasized that global warming increases