Why is the example of George Bernard Shaw mentioned in the lecture? A: George Bernard Shaw always makes mistakes. B: George Bernard Shaw was very humorous. C: George Bernard Shaw laughed at the spelling of English words. D: George Bernard Shaw was a famous author.
Why is the example of George Bernard Shaw mentioned in the lecture? A: George Bernard Shaw always makes mistakes. B: George Bernard Shaw was very humorous. C: George Bernard Shaw laughed at the spelling of English words. D: George Bernard Shaw was a famous author.
George Bernard Shaw was at the height of his _________. ( )
George Bernard Shaw was at the height of his _________. ( )
What prize was Bernard Shaw awarded in 1925?
What prize was Bernard Shaw awarded in 1925?
George Bernard Shaw’s plays include ________.
George Bernard Shaw’s plays include ________.
George Bernard Shaw is the writer of “The School of Scandal”.
George Bernard Shaw is the writer of “The School of Scandal”.
As what did Bernard Shaw use his plays?
As what did Bernard Shaw use his plays?
中国大学MOOC:"George Bernard Shaw was at the height of his ________. ";
中国大学MOOC:"George Bernard Shaw was at the height of his ________. ";
Which of the following plays were written by George Bernard Shaw?
Which of the following plays were written by George Bernard Shaw?