• 2021-04-14 问题

    两台路由器 MSR-1、MSR-2 通过RIP 完成路由的动态学习,在 MSR-1 上看到如下 debug 信息: *Nov 26 02:20:25:353 2008 H3C RM/6/RMDEBUG: RIP 1 : Sending v2 request on Serial 0/0 from *Nov 26 02:20:25:353 2008 H3C RM/6/RMDEBUG: RIP 1 :Sending request on interface Serial0/0 from to *Nov 26 02:20:25:400 2008 H3C RM/6/RMDEBUG: RIP 1 : Receiving v2 request on Serial0/0 from 根据 debug 信息可以推测 。

    两台路由器 MSR-1、MSR-2 通过RIP 完成路由的动态学习,在 MSR-1 上看到如下 debug 信息: *Nov 26 02:20:25:353 2008 H3C RM/6/RMDEBUG: RIP 1 : Sending v2 request on Serial 0/0 from *Nov 26 02:20:25:353 2008 H3C RM/6/RMDEBUG: RIP 1 :Sending request on interface Serial0/0 from to *Nov 26 02:20:25:400 2008 H3C RM/6/RMDEBUG: RIP 1 : Receiving v2 request on Serial0/0 from 根据 debug 信息可以推测 。

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    下列选项中,不能将字符串from复制给字符数组to的是( )。 A: void copy_string(char to[ ], char from[ ]) { int i=0; while (from[i]!='\0') { to[i]=from[i]; i++; } to[i]='\0'; } B: void copy_string(char *to, char *from) { for ( ; *from!='\0'; from++, to++) *to=*from; } C: void copy_string(char *to, char *from) { while ( (*to=*from)!='\0' ) { to++; from++; } } D: void copy_string(char *to, char *from) { while (*to++=*from++); }

    下列选项中,不能将字符串from复制给字符数组to的是( )。 A: void copy_string(char to[ ], char from[ ]) { int i=0; while (from[i]!='\0') { to[i]=from[i]; i++; } to[i]='\0'; } B: void copy_string(char *to, char *from) { for ( ; *from!='\0'; from++, to++) *to=*from; } C: void copy_string(char *to, char *from) { while ( (*to=*from)!='\0' ) { to++; from++; } } D: void copy_string(char *to, char *from) { while (*to++=*from++); }

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    路由表中下一跳可以是以下哪些地址?() A: B: C: D:

    路由表中下一跳可以是以下哪些地址?() A: B: C: D:

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    以下哪个IP地址属于C类地址?() A: B: C: D:

    以下哪个IP地址属于C类地址?() A: B: C: D:

  • 2022-11-03 问题

    查询学号(字符型,长度为8)尾字符是“0”的命令中,错误的是________。 A: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE “0”$学号 B: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE SUBSTR(学号,8);“0” C: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE SUBSTR(学号,8,1):“0” D: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE RIGHT(学号,8):“0”

    查询学号(字符型,长度为8)尾字符是“0”的命令中,错误的是________。 A: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE “0”$学号 B: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE SUBSTR(学号,8);“0” C: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE SUBSTR(学号,8,1):“0” D: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE RIGHT(学号,8):“0”

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    查找yuangong表中所有电话号码(列名:telephone)的第一位为8或6,第三位为0的电话号码() A: SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[8,6]%0*’ B: SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’(8,6)*0%’ C: SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[86]_0%’ D: SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[86]_0*&rsquo

    查找yuangong表中所有电话号码(列名:telephone)的第一位为8或6,第三位为0的电话号码() A: SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[8,6]%0*’ B: SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’(8,6)*0%’ C: SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[86]_0%’ D: SELECT telephone FROM yuangong WHERE telephone LIKE’[86]_0*&rsquo

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    查找student表中所有电话号码(列名:telephone)的第一位为8或6,第三位为0的电话号码() A: SELECT telephone FROM student tWHERE telephone LIKE'[8,6]%0*' B: SELECT telephone FROM student WHERE telephone LIKE'(8,6)*0%' C: SELECTtelephoneFROMstudenttWHEREtelephoneLIKE'[8,6]_0%' D: SELECT telephone FROM student WHERE telephone LIKE'[8,6]_0*'

    查找student表中所有电话号码(列名:telephone)的第一位为8或6,第三位为0的电话号码() A: SELECT telephone FROM student tWHERE telephone LIKE'[8,6]%0*' B: SELECT telephone FROM student WHERE telephone LIKE'(8,6)*0%' C: SELECTtelephoneFROMstudenttWHEREtelephoneLIKE'[8,6]_0%' D: SELECT telephone FROM student WHERE telephone LIKE'[8,6]_0*'

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    查询部门20的员工数量,每个月的工资总和及平均工资( ) A: SELECT sum(nvl(sal,0)),avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp B: SELECT ename,sum(nvl(sal,0)),avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp where deptno =20 group by deptno C: SELECT ename,count(empno),sum(nvl(sal,0)),avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp where deptno =20 group by deptno D: SELECT count(empno),sum(nvl(sal,0)),avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp where deptno =20 group by deptno

    查询部门20的员工数量,每个月的工资总和及平均工资( ) A: SELECT sum(nvl(sal,0)),avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp B: SELECT ename,sum(nvl(sal,0)),avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp where deptno =20 group by deptno C: SELECT ename,count(empno),sum(nvl(sal,0)),avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp where deptno =20 group by deptno D: SELECT count(empno),sum(nvl(sal,0)),avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp where deptno =20 group by deptno

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    如果QUANTITY的值为空值(null),在执行以下哪个语句时会显示一个0 A: SELECT id_number, 100/quantity B: FROM C: inventory; D: SELECT id_number, NVL(100/quantity, 0) E: FROM F: inventory; G: SELECT id_number, NULL(100/quantity, 0) H: FROM I: inventory; J: SELECT id_number, TO_CHAR(100/quantity, 0) K: FROM L: inventory; M: SELECT id_number, NVL(100/quantity, ’999.00’) N: FROM O: inventory;

    如果QUANTITY的值为空值(null),在执行以下哪个语句时会显示一个0 A: SELECT id_number, 100/quantity B: FROM C: inventory; D: SELECT id_number, NVL(100/quantity, 0) E: FROM F: inventory; G: SELECT id_number, NULL(100/quantity, 0) H: FROM I: inventory; J: SELECT id_number, TO_CHAR(100/quantity, 0) K: FROM L: inventory; M: SELECT id_number, NVL(100/quantity, ’999.00’) N: FROM O: inventory;

  • 2022-07-01 问题

    在顶层窗口root中创建一个滑动条值为0到200的Scale控件,下列正确的是? A: Scale(root,from =0,to=200) B: Scale(root,from_=0,to=200) C: scale(root,from_=0,to=200) D: scale(root,from =0,to=200)

    在顶层窗口root中创建一个滑动条值为0到200的Scale控件,下列正确的是? A: Scale(root,from =0,to=200) B: Scale(root,from_=0,to=200) C: scale(root,from_=0,to=200) D: scale(root,from =0,to=200)

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