• 2022-06-19 问题

    若有以下定义,则下列对结构体变量成员操作错误的是()。 A: cin>>wang.num B: wang.score[2]=86 C: cin>>wang.score[0] D: wang.name="Mary"

    若有以下定义,则下列对结构体变量成员操作错误的是()。 A: cin>>wang.num B: wang.score[2]=86 C: cin>>wang.score[0] D: wang.name="Mary"

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    设有以下定义语句:struct student{ int num; char name[10]; float score;}wang,zhang;,则变量wang所占的内存字节数是( )(注:在VC环境下要考虑内存对齐规则) A: 10 B: 18 C: 20 D: 24

    设有以下定义语句:struct student{ int num; char name[10]; float score;}wang,zhang;,则变量wang所占的内存字节数是( )(注:在VC环境下要考虑内存对齐规则) A: 10 B: 18 C: 20 D: 24

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Wang Zhaoxin was nicknamed Wang Laoshan, Good Old Wang, because he was generous.

    Wang Zhaoxin was nicknamed Wang Laoshan, Good Old Wang, because he was generous.

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Which of the following is not included in the "Four Wangs" of the painting circle in the Qing dynasty? ( ). A: Wang Yuanqi B: Wang Guangqi C: Wang Shimin D: Wang Jian

    Which of the following is not included in the "Four Wangs" of the painting circle in the Qing dynasty? ( ). A: Wang Yuanqi B: Wang Guangqi C: Wang Shimin D: Wang Jian

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Mr. Robinson decided to take back his (). A: criticism of Mr. Wang B: criticism of Mr. Wang's C: the criticism of Mr. Wang D: Mr. Wang's criticism

    Mr. Robinson decided to take back his (). A: criticism of Mr. Wang B: criticism of Mr. Wang's C: the criticism of Mr. Wang D: Mr. Wang's criticism

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    哪位诗人是初唐四杰之一<br/>() A: wang wei B: wang bo C: wang an shi

    哪位诗人是初唐四杰之一<br/>() A: wang wei B: wang bo C: wang an shi

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    下面代码的输出结果是()。 <?php $score=87; if($score>=90 && $score<=100){$grade="优秀";} if($score>=80){$grade="良好";} if($score>=70){$grade="一般";} if($score>=60){$grade="及格";} else{$grade="不及格";} echo $grade; ?>

    下面代码的输出结果是()。 <?php $score=87; if($score>=90 && $score<=100){$grade="优秀";} if($score>=80){$grade="良好";} if($score>=70){$grade="一般";} if($score>=60){$grade="及格";} else{$grade="不及格";} echo $grade; ?>

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Task1Choosethecorrectsentencesfromthetabletofillintheblanks. A.Howwouldyouliketojoinus? B.Well,indeed,thankyouverymuchforinvitingme. C.Howabouteighto’clock? D.Whatareyoudoingtomorrowevening? E.Um,whitewine,ifyoufeelyoumustbringsomething. F.Whattimeisconvenientforyou? Wang:Hello,William.__________1____________ William:Tomorrowevening?Nothingspecial,IwasthinkingofwatchingTV. Wang:Dragyourselfawayfromtelevisionforachange.I’mhavingafewfriendstohaveadinnerpartytomorrowtocelebratemydaughter’sbirthday._________2___________ William:Great.Thatwouldbesuper.Congratulations! Wang:Thankyou.________3__________IsthatOK? William:Ohyes,fine.WoulditbealrightifIbroughtsomebodywithme? Wang:Yes,ofcourse. William:OK,fine.Doyouwantmetobringsomethingtodrink?Redwineorwhite? Wang:_________4___________Butit’snotnecessary. William:I’lldothat.___________5___________ Wang:Mypleasure. William:I’llbealongateight.Lookingforwardtoit. Wang:Yeah,seeyouthen.

    Task1Choosethecorrectsentencesfromthetabletofillintheblanks. A.Howwouldyouliketojoinus? B.Well,indeed,thankyouverymuchforinvitingme. C.Howabouteighto’clock? D.Whatareyoudoingtomorrowevening? E.Um,whitewine,ifyoufeelyoumustbringsomething. F.Whattimeisconvenientforyou? Wang:Hello,William.__________1____________ William:Tomorrowevening?Nothingspecial,IwasthinkingofwatchingTV. Wang:Dragyourselfawayfromtelevisionforachange.I’mhavingafewfriendstohaveadinnerpartytomorrowtocelebratemydaughter’sbirthday._________2___________ William:Great.Thatwouldbesuper.Congratulations! Wang:Thankyou.________3__________IsthatOK? William:Ohyes,fine.WoulditbealrightifIbroughtsomebodywithme? Wang:Yes,ofcourse. William:OK,fine.Doyouwantmetobringsomethingtodrink?Redwineorwhite? Wang:_________4___________Butit’snotnecessary. William:I’lldothat.___________5___________ Wang:Mypleasure. William:I’llbealongateight.Lookingforwardtoit. Wang:Yeah,seeyouthen.

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    以下参数传递正确的是: A: def score(mid_score, end_score): ……score(88, 79) B: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(88, 79) C: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(end_score = 79, mid_score = 88) D: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(mid_score = 88, end_score = 79,0.5)

    以下参数传递正确的是: A: def score(mid_score, end_score): ……score(88, 79) B: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(88, 79) C: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(end_score = 79, mid_score = 88) D: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(mid_score = 88, end_score = 79,0.5)

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    There are ________students playing basketball in the room. A: score of B: scores of C: two score D: two score of

    There are ________students playing basketball in the room. A: score of B: scores of C: two score D: two score of

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