• 2022-05-27 问题

    The boss told his secretary to ______ the documents for later use. A: turn on B: B.put away C: C.make up D: D.break out

    The boss told his secretary to ______ the documents for later use. A: turn on B: B.put away C: C.make up D: D.break out

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    25. ( )的客房状态,表示该客房为立即清扫房。 A: A.Expected Departure B: B.Sleep Out Room C: C.Make up Room D: D.Vacant Clean

    25. ( )的客房状态,表示该客房为立即清扫房。 A: A.Expected Departure B: B.Sleep Out Room C: C.Make up Room D: D.Vacant Clean

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Don’t _________ the disabled! A: make up B: make fun of C: make for D: make out

    Don’t _________ the disabled! A: make up B: make fun of C: make for D: make out

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    I warn you _____ any risky investment. A: to not make B: not make C: to make not D: not to make

    I warn you _____ any risky investment. A: to not make B: not make C: to make not D: not to make

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    They asked the kids each to________ a story. A: make up B: make do with C: make for D: make up for

    They asked the kids each to________ a story. A: make up B: make do with C: make for D: make up for

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    出丑、闹笑话 A: make fun of B: make fool of C: make a fool of oneself D: make oneself fool

    出丑、闹笑话 A: make fun of B: make fool of C: make a fool of oneself D: make oneself fool

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    In the dim light, it was difficult to ________ the figure. A: make out B: make up for C: make over D: make up

    In the dim light, it was difficult to ________ the figure. A: make out B: make up for C: make over D: make up

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    This cake was( )sugar, flour, butter and eggs. A: make from B: make of C: make out D: make out of

    This cake was( )sugar, flour, butter and eggs. A: make from B: make of C: make out D: make out of

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    How did you () with your classmates A: make out B: make up C: make off D: make up to

    How did you () with your classmates A: make out B: make up C: make off D: make up to

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Dont be late again, or you______the teacher angry A: would make B: will make C: can make D: must make

    Dont be late again, or you______the teacher angry A: would make B: will make C: can make D: must make

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