●在Linux中,可以使用命令()来给test文件赋予执行权限。 A: [root@root]#chmod -X test B: [root@root]#chmod +x test C: [root@root]#chmod -W test D: [root@root]#chmod +w test
●在Linux中,可以使用命令()来给test文件赋予执行权限。 A: [root@root]#chmod -X test B: [root@root]#chmod +x test C: [root@root]#chmod -W test D: [root@root]#chmod +w test
判断一个文件/mnt/cdrom存在且为目录的命令是( )。 A: test -d /tmp/cdrom B: test -f /tmp/cdrom C: test -r /tmp/cdrom D: test -w /tmp/cdrom
判断一个文件/mnt/cdrom存在且为目录的命令是( )。 A: test -d /tmp/cdrom B: test -f /tmp/cdrom C: test -r /tmp/cdrom D: test -w /tmp/cdrom
11. String test = “Test A. Test B. Test C.”; 12. // insert code here 13. String[] result = test.split(regex); Which regular expression inserted at line 12 will correctly split test into “Test A,” “Test B,” and “Test C”?() A: String regex = “”; B: String regex = “ “; C: String regex = “.*“. D: String regex = “\\s” E: String regex = “\\.\\s*”; F: String regex = “\\w[ \.] +“;
11. String test = “Test A. Test B. Test C.”; 12. // insert code here 13. String[] result = test.split(regex); Which regular expression inserted at line 12 will correctly split test into “Test A,” “Test B,” and “Test C”?() A: String regex = “”; B: String regex = “ “; C: String regex = “.*“. D: String regex = “\\s” E: String regex = “\\.\\s*”; F: String regex = “\\w[ \.] +“;
11. String test = “Test A. Test B. Test C.”; 12. // insert code here 13. String[] result = test.split(regex); Which regular expression inserted at line 12 will correctly split test into “Test A,” “Test B,” and “Test C”?() A: String regex = “”; B: String regex = “ “; C: String regex = “.*“. D: String regex = “\\s” E: String regex = “\\.\\s*”; F: String regex = “\\w[ \.] +“;
11. String test = “Test A. Test B. Test C.”; 12. // insert code here 13. String[] result = test.split(regex); Which regular expression inserted at line 12 will correctly split test into “Test A,” “Test B,” and “Test C”?() A: String regex = “”; B: String regex = “ “; C: String regex = “.*“. D: String regex = “\\s” E: String regex = “\\.\\s*”; F: String regex = “\\w[ \.] +“;
passwd设置test用户口令时,修改密码时间间隔为2天,密码有效期为10天,到期前2天提示,过期后3天禁用 A: passwd -n 2 -x 7 -w 2 -i 3 test B: passwd -n 2 -e 7 -w 2 -i 3 test
passwd设置test用户口令时,修改密码时间间隔为2天,密码有效期为10天,到期前2天提示,过期后3天禁用 A: passwd -n 2 -x 7 -w 2 -i 3 test B: passwd -n 2 -e 7 -w 2 -i 3 test
chage修改test用户口令时,设置密码最短存活期时1天,密码最大有效期是8天,到期前1天警告提示,密码到期后3天禁用 A: chage -n 1 -m 8 -w 1 -p 3 test B: chage -m 1 -M 8 -W 1 -I 3 test
chage修改test用户口令时,设置密码最短存活期时1天,密码最大有效期是8天,到期前1天警告提示,密码到期后3天禁用 A: chage -n 1 -m 8 -w 1 -p 3 test B: chage -m 1 -M 8 -W 1 -I 3 test
指出代码输出的各个结果: console.log(test); function test(test){ console.log(test); var test=234; console.log(test); function test(){} } test(1); var test=123;
指出代码输出的各个结果: console.log(test); function test(test){ console.log(test); var test=234; console.log(test); function test(){} } test(1); var test=123;
查看一下代码 ,请问输出正确的是|var Test ={| foo:"test",| func:function () {| var self=this;| console.log(this.foo);| console.log(self.foo);| (function () {| console.log(this.foo);| console.log(self.foo);| })();| }|};|Test.func(); A: test test undefined test B: test undefined undefined test C: test test undefined D: test test test test
查看一下代码 ,请问输出正确的是|var Test ={| foo:"test",| func:function () {| var self=this;| console.log(this.foo);| console.log(self.foo);| (function () {| console.log(this.foo);| console.log(self.foo);| })();| }|};|Test.func(); A: test test undefined test B: test undefined undefined test C: test test undefined D: test test test test
TEST指令的结构为TEST Test data {CASE Test value {, Test value} : ...} [ DEFAULT: ...] ENDTEST。其中Test data表示 ,Test value表示
TEST指令的结构为TEST Test data {CASE Test value {, Test value} : ...} [ DEFAULT: ...] ENDTEST。其中Test data表示 ,Test value表示
请选BC A: test B: test C: test D: test
请选BC A: test B: test C: test D: test