• 2022-06-12 问题

    hut A: n. 门厅;过道;大厅 B: n. 基础;根据;基本原则 C: n. 简陋的小屋;茅舍 未知类型:{'url': 'https://nodestatic-ali.fbstatic.cn/static-files/1625560558034_hut', 'audioId': '1625560558034_hut', 'duration': 0, 'type': 185}

    hut A: n. 门厅;过道;大厅 B: n. 基础;根据;基本原则 C: n. 简陋的小屋;茅舍 未知类型:{'url': 'https://nodestatic-ali.fbstatic.cn/static-files/1625560558034_hut', 'audioId': '1625560558034_hut', 'duration': 0, 'type': 185}

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    The storm ______, they had to live in a cave. A: has destroyed their hut B: to destroy their hut C: having destroyed their hut D: being destroyed

    The storm ______, they had to live in a cave. A: has destroyed their hut B: to destroy their hut C: having destroyed their hut D: being destroyed

  • 2022-06-12 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题

    It is an empty hut, but at least it offered us a _____.

    It is an empty hut, but at least it offered us a _____.

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    4. What happened to his hut one day?

    4. What happened to his hut one day?

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    How far is Gordon’s writing hut from home

    How far is Gordon’s writing hut from home

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    10. A. heart B. hut C. hurt D. hot

    10. A. heart B. hut C. hurt D. hot

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    In KFC and Pizza Hut dismissive talk of “McJobs” is often well deserved.

    In KFC and Pizza Hut dismissive talk of “McJobs” is often well deserved.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Adidas,Lacoste,Pizza Hut, McDonalds,Walmart都是综合类型标志

    Adidas,Lacoste,Pizza Hut, McDonalds,Walmart都是综合类型标志

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    中国大学MOOC: What method is used to name the brand Pizza Hut

    中国大学MOOC: What method is used to name the brand Pizza Hut

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