下列哪个元素是文本层次语义元素,且主要功能是在文本中高亮显示某些字符 A: <time></time> B: <date></date> C: <mark></mark> D: <cite></cite>
下列哪个元素是文本层次语义元素,且主要功能是在文本中高亮显示某些字符 A: <time></time> B: <date></date> C: <mark></mark> D: <cite></cite>
Marks on transport packages are classified according to their purpose A: Transport mark B: Indicative mark C: Warning mark D: Packing mark
Marks on transport packages are classified according to their purpose A: Transport mark B: Indicative mark C: Warning mark D: Packing mark
Safety mark and protective mark refer to A: Transport mark B: Shipping packing mark C: Indicator sign D: warning sign
Safety mark and protective mark refer to A: Transport mark B: Shipping packing mark C: Indicator sign D: warning sign
下面if语句统计“成绩(mark)优秀(90分以上)的男生以及不及格(60以下)的男生”的人数,正确的语句为( )。 A: if(gender=="男")and((mark<60)and(mark>=90)):n+=1 B: if(gender=="男")and((mark<60)or(mark>=90)):n+=1 C: if(gender=="男")or(mark<60)or(mark>=90)):n+=1 D: if(gender=="男")or(mark<60)and(mark>=90):n+=1
下面if语句统计“成绩(mark)优秀(90分以上)的男生以及不及格(60以下)的男生”的人数,正确的语句为( )。 A: if(gender=="男")and((mark<60)and(mark>=90)):n+=1 B: if(gender=="男")and((mark<60)or(mark>=90)):n+=1 C: if(gender=="男")or(mark<60)or(mark>=90)):n+=1 D: if(gender=="男")or(mark<60)and(mark>=90):n+=1
The simple figures, words and Numbers written, embossed and brushed on the shipping package are called A: indicative mark B: transportation mark C: warning mark D: sales mark
The simple figures, words and Numbers written, embossed and brushed on the shipping package are called A: indicative mark B: transportation mark C: warning mark D: sales mark
下列程序片段用于产生成绩等第,已定义score%和mark$分别表示成绩和等第。即60分(含)以上及格、75分(含)以上良好、90分(含)以上优秀,能获得预期结果的是______。 A: If score>=90 Then Mark="优秀" ElseIf score>=75 Then Mark="良好" ElseIf score>=60 Then Mark="及格" End If B: If score>=60 Then Mark="及格" ElseIf score>=75 Then Mark="良好" ElseIf score>=90 Then Mark="优秀" C: If score>=90 Then Mark="优秀"If score>=75 Then Mark="良好"If score>=60 Then Mark="及格" D: If score>=60 Then Mark="及格" ElseIf score>=75 Then Mark="良好"ElseIf score>=90 Then Mark="优秀" End If
下列程序片段用于产生成绩等第,已定义score%和mark$分别表示成绩和等第。即60分(含)以上及格、75分(含)以上良好、90分(含)以上优秀,能获得预期结果的是______。 A: If score>=90 Then Mark="优秀" ElseIf score>=75 Then Mark="良好" ElseIf score>=60 Then Mark="及格" End If B: If score>=60 Then Mark="及格" ElseIf score>=75 Then Mark="良好" ElseIf score>=90 Then Mark="优秀" C: If score>=90 Then Mark="优秀"If score>=75 Then Mark="良好"If score>=60 Then Mark="及格" D: If score>=60 Then Mark="及格" ElseIf score>=75 Then Mark="良好"ElseIf score>=90 Then Mark="优秀" End If
9. Mark drives quickly. Mark drives carefully.
9. Mark drives quickly. Mark drives carefully.
Where will Mark and Marlena go to visit Mark's teacher?
Where will Mark and Marlena go to visit Mark's teacher?
There are three types of marking: shipping mark, information mark and identification mark.
There are three types of marking: shipping mark, information mark and identification mark.