• 2022-05-27 问题

    KuXingRen can treat cough and panting by A: Descending lung qi B: Moistening lung C: Clearing the lung heat D: Astringing lung E: Dissolving phlegm

    KuXingRen can treat cough and panting by A: Descending lung qi B: Moistening lung C: Clearing the lung heat D: Astringing lung E: Dissolving phlegm

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Which of the followings is the main cooperative function of the heart and lung? A: The production of nutrient qi B: The production of Zong qi C: Circulation of qi and blood D: Inter-dependece of qi and blood

    Which of the followings is the main cooperative function of the heart and lung? A: The production of nutrient qi B: The production of Zong qi C: Circulation of qi and blood D: Inter-dependece of qi and blood

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    What is the main cause of uterine prolapse? A: spleen deficiency and sinking of middle energizer qi B: deficiency of qi and blood C: lung qi deficiency D: kidney qi deficiency

    What is the main cause of uterine prolapse? A: spleen deficiency and sinking of middle energizer qi B: deficiency of qi and blood C: lung qi deficiency D: kidney qi deficiency

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    How to understand "people with big ears are blessed" from the perspective of TCM?() A: lung qi is sufficient B: kidney qi is sufficient C: spleen qi is exuberant D: heart qi is sufficient and active

    How to understand "people with big ears are blessed" from the perspective of TCM?() A: lung qi is sufficient B: kidney qi is sufficient C: spleen qi is exuberant D: heart qi is sufficient and active

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The hair depend upon the nourishment of( ). A: liver<br/>qi B: lung<br/>qi kidney essence C: kidney essence D: food E: body fluid

    The hair depend upon the nourishment of( ). A: liver<br/>qi B: lung<br/>qi kidney essence C: kidney essence D: food E: body fluid

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The hair depend upon the nourishment of(). A: liver<br/>qi B: lung<br/>qi C: kidney<br/>essence D: food E: body<br/>fluid

    The hair depend upon the nourishment of(). A: liver<br/>qi B: lung<br/>qi C: kidney<br/>essence D: food E: body<br/>fluid

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The propelling funciton of qi is mainly governed by which organ? A: The heart B: The lung C: The spleen D: The kidney

    The propelling funciton of qi is mainly governed by which organ? A: The heart B: The lung C: The spleen D: The kidney

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    The most fundamental qi of human body is ( )。 A: Primordial qi B: Pectoral qi C: Nutritive qi D: Defensive qi

    The most fundamental qi of human body is ( )。 A: Primordial qi B: Pectoral qi C: Nutritive qi D: Defensive qi

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    49.The most fundamental qi of human body is ( ) A: Primordial qi B: Pectoral qi C: Nutritive qi D: Defensive qi

    49.The most fundamental qi of human body is ( ) A: Primordial qi B: Pectoral qi C: Nutritive qi D: Defensive qi

  • 2022-05-30 问题



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