the way a tall building is constructed today______
the way a tall building is constructed today______ today's usage today's usage today's use today's use of A: as today's usage of B: in today's usage of C: as today's use of D: in today's use of today's usage today's usage today's use today's use of A: as today's usage of B: in today's usage of C: as today's use of D: in today's use of
【单选题】-What day is today? - ___________. A. Today is March 25th B. Today is Saturday C. Today is fine D. Today is cold
【单选题】-What day is today? - ___________. A. Today is March 25th B. Today is Saturday C. Today is fine D. Today is cold
Numerous materials are available to __________. A: today of designers B: today's of designers C: today's designers D: today designers
Numerous materials are available to __________. A: today of designers B: today's of designers C: today's designers D: today designers
I came late to class today; the reason being that the bus broke down. A: today, and the reason being that B: today, for the reason being that C: today because D: today; due to
I came late to class today; the reason being that the bus broke down. A: today, and the reason being that B: today, for the reason being that C: today because D: today; due to
I didn’t do as () I did yesterday. A: badly today as B: bad today as C: badly as today D: bad as today
I didn’t do as () I did yesterday. A: badly today as B: bad today as C: badly as today D: bad as today
When did Kate come to this school? A: Today is Wednesday. B: Today is Tuesday. C: Today is Thursday.
When did Kate come to this school? A: Today is Wednesday. B: Today is Tuesday. C: Today is Thursday.
有枚举类型的声明:enum WEEKDAY {Sun=7, Mon=1,Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat} workday;那么以下语句错误的是_____ A: enum WEEKDAY today=Fri;if( today >Fri) printf("Today is weekend!\n"); B: enum WEEKDAY today;today = (enum WEEKDAY)4;if( today >Fri) printf("Today is weekend!\n"); C: enum WEEKDAY today=Fri;tmp=today-2;if( tmp > 0) printf("Today is weekend!\n"); D: today = (enum WEEKDAY)4;if( today-2 > Fri) printf("Today is weekend!\n");
有枚举类型的声明:enum WEEKDAY {Sun=7, Mon=1,Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat} workday;那么以下语句错误的是_____ A: enum WEEKDAY today=Fri;if( today >Fri) printf("Today is weekend!\n"); B: enum WEEKDAY today;today = (enum WEEKDAY)4;if( today >Fri) printf("Today is weekend!\n"); C: enum WEEKDAY today=Fri;tmp=today-2;if( tmp > 0) printf("Today is weekend!\n"); D: today = (enum WEEKDAY)4;if( today-2 > Fri) printf("Today is weekend!\n");
Where is today’s newspaper? Is there ____ in today’s newspaper?
Where is today’s newspaper? Is there ____ in today’s newspaper?
He read in ______ paper that ______ industry is developing at a high speed. A: today; China's B: today's; China C: today's; China's D: today; China
He read in ______ paper that ______ industry is developing at a high speed. A: today; China's B: today's; China C: today's; China's D: today; China