Stack is quite simple. Many computer systems have stacks built into their circuitry. They also have machine-level instructions to operate the hardware stack. Stack is(73)in computer systems. A.useless B.not important C.simple but important D.too simple to be useful
Stack is quite simple. Many computer systems have stacks built into their circuitry. They also have machine-level instructions to operate the hardware stack. Stack is(73)in computer systems. A.useless B.not important C.simple but important D.too simple to be useful
对于类模板Stack,通过下面语句实例化之后,有________个实例类template class Stack; Stack charStack;
对于类模板Stack,通过下面语句实例化之后,有________个实例类template class Stack; Stack charStack;
语句Stack objectStack=new Stack ();表示objectStack保存的是int型变量( )
语句Stack objectStack=new Stack ();表示objectStack保存的是int型变量( )
下列程序的运行结果是 。class Stack{ char * sp ;public : Stack( ){ sp = new char[100] ; strcpy(sp , "I love China") ; cout << "在构造函数中! \n" ; } ~Stack( ){ cout << sp << endl ; delete [ ]sp ; cout << "在析构函数中! \n" ; }} ;void main( ){ Stack s ; }
下列程序的运行结果是 。class Stack{ char * sp ;public : Stack( ){ sp = new char[100] ; strcpy(sp , "I love China") ; cout << "在构造函数中! \n" ; } ~Stack( ){ cout << sp << endl ; delete [ ]sp ; cout << "在析构函数中! \n" ; }} ;void main( ){ Stack s ; }
Stack的 push方法表示出栈。
Stack的 push方法表示出栈。
What is said about the fourth stack of the ships?
What is said about the fourth stack of the ships?
名词解释:栈指针( Stack Pointer,SP)
名词解释:栈指针( Stack Pointer,SP)
当利用大小为n的数组顺序存储一个栈时,假定用top==0表示栈空,则向这个栈插入一个元素时,操作为( )。 A: top=top+1; stack[top]=x; B: stack[top]=x; top=top+1; C: top=top-1; stack[top]=x; D: stack[top]=x; top=top-1;
当利用大小为n的数组顺序存储一个栈时,假定用top==0表示栈空,则向这个栈插入一个元素时,操作为( )。 A: top=top+1; stack[top]=x; B: stack[top]=x; top=top+1; C: top=top-1; stack[top]=x; D: stack[top]=x; top=top-1;