• 2022-05-28 问题

    Complete the dialogues according to the information you get. (填写大写字母)Mr. Brown is talking with a clerk in a bank. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks according to the information you get.W: Hello.thisisBankofChina. 1 M:Oh, IlostmyGreat WallCardyesterday. 2W: 3 Youcanreportthelossto me. M:What'stheprocedure? W:Pleasetellmeyouraccountname, 4 andpassportnumber.M: AdamSmith, mypassportnumberis 5 . ButIforgetmyaccountnumber.W: 6 . Thatinformationwilldo.I willhandlethelossreportingforyou now. To renewthecard, pleasego tothecard-issuing bankinsevendays.M:Igetit. Bytheway, pleasecheckwhethermy moneyisstill 7 .W: 8 .Youareverylucky, Mr.Smith. Therehavebeen 9 madeagainst youraccountsinceyesterday. M:Great, thanksa lotforyourhelp.W: 10 .A. 4321789560B. Don'tworry, Sir.C. What canIdonow?D. account numberE. That'sallright.F. Letmesee G. MypleasureH. notransactions I. inmyaccountJ. WhatcanIdofor you?

    Complete the dialogues according to the information you get. (填写大写字母)Mr. Brown is talking with a clerk in a bank. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks according to the information you get.W: Hello.thisisBankofChina. 1 M:Oh, IlostmyGreat WallCardyesterday. 2W: 3 Youcanreportthelossto me. M:What'stheprocedure? W:Pleasetellmeyouraccountname, 4 andpassportnumber.M: AdamSmith, mypassportnumberis 5 . ButIforgetmyaccountnumber.W: 6 . Thatinformationwilldo.I willhandlethelossreportingforyou now. To renewthecard, pleasego tothecard-issuing bankinsevendays.M:Igetit. Bytheway, pleasecheckwhethermy moneyisstill 7 .W: 8 .Youareverylucky, Mr.Smith. Therehavebeen 9 madeagainst youraccountsinceyesterday. M:Great, thanksa lotforyourhelp.W: 10 .A. 4321789560B. Don'tworry, Sir.C. What canIdonow?D. account numberE. That'sallright.F. Letmesee G. MypleasureH. notransactions I. inmyaccountJ. WhatcanIdofor you?

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    函数的定义域是/ananas/latex/p/1132315: (-∞, -3)∪(-3, +∞)|(-∞, -3)∪(-3, 3)∪(3, +∞)|(-∞, -3)∪(3, +∞)|(-∞, 3)∪(3, +∞)

    函数的定义域是/ananas/latex/p/1132315: (-∞, -3)∪(-3, +∞)|(-∞, -3)∪(-3, 3)∪(3, +∞)|(-∞, -3)∪(3, +∞)|(-∞, 3)∪(3, +∞)

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    智慧职教: 按自然数的乘法按定义计算3×5. 解   由定义5知3x5=(3x4) 3 =[(3x3) 3] 3 ={[(3x2) 3] 3} 3 ={{[(3x1) 3] 3} 3} 3 ={{[(3 3) 3] 3} 3} ={[(6 3) 3] 3} =(9 3) 3 =12 3=15 上述计算是(   )的

    智慧职教: 按自然数的乘法按定义计算3×5. 解   由定义5知3x5=(3x4) 3 =[(3x3) 3] 3 ={[(3x2) 3] 3} 3 ={{[(3x1) 3] 3} 3} 3 ={{[(3 3) 3] 3} 3} ={[(6 3) 3] 3} =(9 3) 3 =12 3=15 上述计算是(   )的

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-14 问题

    下列各项中,哪一项不是Kirsch边缘检测中构建的模板() A: [5 5 5;-3 0 -3;-3 -3 -3] B: [-3 5 5;-3 0 5;-3 -3 -3] C: [5 5 5;-3 -3 0;-3 -3 -3] D: [-3 -3 -3;-3 0 -3;5 5 5]

    下列各项中,哪一项不是Kirsch边缘检测中构建的模板() A: [5 5 5;-3 0 -3;-3 -3 -3] B: [-3 5 5;-3 0 5;-3 -3 -3] C: [5 5 5;-3 -3 0;-3 -3 -3] D: [-3 -3 -3;-3 0 -3;5 5 5]

  • 2022-06-28 问题

    3⊥3与3┬3舌轴嵴形态的区别是() A: 舌轴嵴3┬3与3┬3同样明显 B: 舌轴嵴3┬3不如3⊥3明显 C: 舌轴嵴3┬3比3⊥3明显 D: 舌轴嵴3┬3与3⊥3均不明显

    3⊥3与3┬3舌轴嵴形态的区别是() A: 舌轴嵴3┬3与3┬3同样明显 B: 舌轴嵴3┬3不如3⊥3明显 C: 舌轴嵴3┬3比3⊥3明显 D: 舌轴嵴3┬3与3⊥3均不明显

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题

    第 31 题 11/3 , 7/3 , 1, , -5/3 A.7/3 B.-1/3 C.5/3 D.4/3

    第 31 题 11/3 , 7/3 , 1, , -5/3 A.7/3 B.-1/3 C.5/3 D.4/3

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    与集合{x||x|=3}相等的集合为 A: {3} B: {-3) C: 3,-3 D: {3,-3}

    与集合{x||x|=3}相等的集合为 A: {3} B: {-3) C: 3,-3 D: {3,-3}

  • 2022-11-03 问题

    (1)张某 3 月取得工资薪金所得应预扣预缴个人所得税税额的下列计算列式中,正确的是( )。 A: (15 000×3 - 3 300×3 - 2 000×3 - 5 000×3)×3% = 423(元) B: (15 000×3 - 3 300×3 - 5 000×3)×3% = 603(元) C: (15 000×3 - 3 300×3 - 5 000×3)×3% - 282 = 321(元) D: (15 000×3 - 3 300×3 - 2 000×3 - 5 000×3)×3% - 282 = 141(元)

    (1)张某 3 月取得工资薪金所得应预扣预缴个人所得税税额的下列计算列式中,正确的是( )。 A: (15 000×3 - 3 300×3 - 2 000×3 - 5 000×3)×3% = 423(元) B: (15 000×3 - 3 300×3 - 5 000×3)×3% = 603(元) C: (15 000×3 - 3 300×3 - 5 000×3)×3% - 282 = 321(元) D: (15 000×3 - 3 300×3 - 2 000×3 - 5 000×3)×3% - 282 = 141(元)

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10