为销售报表展示开发一个MapReduce作业,Mapper输入数据的Key是年份(),Value表示商品标识()。下列哪一项决定该Mapper的数据类型?() A: JobConf.setMapInputKeyClass与JobConf.setMapInputValuesClass B: HADOOP_MAP_DATATYPES环境变量 C: 随作业一起提交的mapper-specification.xml文件 D: InputFormat格式类
为销售报表展示开发一个MapReduce作业,Mapper输入数据的Key是年份(),Value表示商品标识()。下列哪一项决定该Mapper的数据类型?() A: JobConf.setMapInputKeyClass与JobConf.setMapInputValuesClass B: HADOOP_MAP_DATATYPES环境变量 C: 随作业一起提交的mapper-specification.xml文件 D: InputFormat格式类
如果MyBatis框架只定义xml映射文件而不定义映射接口,则在框架配置文件的标签<mapper>里只能通过resource属性引用xml映射文件。( )
如果MyBatis框架只定义xml映射文件而不定义映射接口,则在框架配置文件的标签<mapper>里只能通过resource属性引用xml映射文件。( )
Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification? A: Industrial product specification B: Agricultural product specification C: Publishing product specification D: Financial product specification
Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification? A: Industrial product specification B: Agricultural product specification C: Publishing product specification D: Financial product specification
Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification?( ) A: Publishing product specification B: Industrial product specification C: Agricultural product specification
Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification?( ) A: Publishing product specification B: Industrial product specification C: Agricultural product specification
Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product A: Publishing product specification B: Industrial product specification C: Agricultural product specification D: Financial product specification
Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product A: Publishing product specification B: Industrial product specification C: Agricultural product specification D: Financial product specification
specification [7spesifi5keiFEn]
specification [7spesifi5keiFEn]
以下关于Spring Boot中以配置文件方式整合MyBatis的相关说法正确的是() A: 以XML映射文件方式整合MyBatis时,可以不用添加@Mapper或@MapperScan注解 B: 无论xml映射文件是否和mapper接口文件同目录,都必须在Spring Boot配置文件中指定xml映射文件位置 C: 必须在Spring Boot配置文件中进行类的别名配置 D: 以XML映射文件方式整合MyBatis时,需要在Spring Boot配置文件中配置驼峰命名映射
以下关于Spring Boot中以配置文件方式整合MyBatis的相关说法正确的是() A: 以XML映射文件方式整合MyBatis时,可以不用添加@Mapper或@MapperScan注解 B: 无论xml映射文件是否和mapper接口文件同目录,都必须在Spring Boot配置文件中指定xml映射文件位置 C: 必须在Spring Boot配置文件中进行类的别名配置 D: 以XML映射文件方式整合MyBatis时,需要在Spring Boot配置文件中配置驼峰命名映射
It is necessary to _____ the specification ____ the requirements.
It is necessary to _____ the specification ____ the requirements.
Which is not the feature of product specification?
Which is not the feature of product specification?