9. Ais a formal talk given by someone. A: A. joke B: B. anecdote C: C.presentation D: D. conversation
9. Ais a formal talk given by someone. A: A. joke B: B. anecdote C: C.presentation D: D. conversation
【多选题】Which of these followingsaretypes of lesson plan presentation? A. Predictive presentation B. Reflective presentation C. Competitive presentation D. Demonstrative presentation
【多选题】Which of these followingsaretypes of lesson plan presentation? A. Predictive presentation B. Reflective presentation C. Competitive presentation D. Demonstrative presentation
What is the most obvious difference among informative presentation, persuasive presentation, and goodwill presentation? ( )
What is the most obvious difference among informative presentation, persuasive presentation, and goodwill presentation? ( )
Incidence of cord prolapse is least in: () A: Frank breech B: Footling presentation C: Transverse lie D: Brow presentation E: Shoulder presentation
Incidence of cord prolapse is least in: () A: Frank breech B: Footling presentation C: Transverse lie D: Brow presentation E: Shoulder presentation
Head first presentation, which is also called ______ presentation, is the most commonly optimal presentation for easy delivery.( ) A: cardinal B: ischial C: breech D: cephalic
Head first presentation, which is also called ______ presentation, is the most commonly optimal presentation for easy delivery.( ) A: cardinal B: ischial C: breech D: cephalic
Which one of the following clearly states the three modules of this online course? A: Oral English in communication; presentation preparation; public speaking. B: Public speaking skills; academic writing and academic presentation; presentation preparation. C: Academic presentation structure; public speaking skills; presentation delivery. D: Effective communication; how to make your presentation engaging; structure of academic presentation.
Which one of the following clearly states the three modules of this online course? A: Oral English in communication; presentation preparation; public speaking. B: Public speaking skills; academic writing and academic presentation; presentation preparation. C: Academic presentation structure; public speaking skills; presentation delivery. D: Effective communication; how to make your presentation engaging; structure of academic presentation.
A business presentation is typically carried out using audio/visual presentation material, such as projectors and statistical documents created with presentation software.
A business presentation is typically carried out using audio/visual presentation material, such as projectors and statistical documents created with presentation software.
Watch the video and put the items in the right order. A: purpose of the presentation B: name and position of the presenter C: history of the company D: length of the presentation E: organization of the presentation
Watch the video and put the items in the right order. A: purpose of the presentation B: name and position of the presenter C: history of the company D: length of the presentation E: organization of the presentation
If the basic elements are covered in a company presentation, it definitely means this presentation is an effective one.
If the basic elements are covered in a company presentation, it definitely means this presentation is an effective one.
When preparing for a presentation you should clarify the purpose of your presentation and also the following:
When preparing for a presentation you should clarify the purpose of your presentation and also the following: