• 2022-06-17 问题

    假设有如下结构类型及结构变量: struct SDate { int year; int month; int day; } birthday; struct SDate *p = &amp;birthday;<br/>则通过指针p给它指向的结构的year成员赋值为2025的语句是( ) A: p.year = 2025; B: p-&gt;year = 2025; C: (*p)-&gt;year = 2025; D: *(p-&gt;year) = 2025;

    假设有如下结构类型及结构变量: struct SDate { int year; int month; int day; } birthday; struct SDate *p = &amp;birthday;<br/>则通过指针p给它指向的结构的year成员赋值为2025的语句是( ) A: p.year = 2025; B: p-&gt;year = 2025; C: (*p)-&gt;year = 2025; D: *(p-&gt;year) = 2025;

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    若有定义语句:“int year=2009,*p=&year;”,以下不能使变量year中的值增至2010的语句是 A: *p+=1; B: (*p)++; C: ++(*p); D: *++p

    若有定义语句:“int year=2009,*p=&year;”,以下不能使变量year中的值增至2010的语句是 A: *p+=1; B: (*p)++; C: ++(*p); D: *++p

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    ‎若有定义语句: int year=2009, *p=&year ;以下不能使变量year中的值增至2010的语句是( )‎ A: (*p)++; B: *p++; C: ++(*p); D: *p+=1;

    ‎若有定义语句: int year=2009, *p=&year ;以下不能使变量year中的值增至2010的语句是( )‎ A: (*p)++; B: *p++; C: ++(*p); D: *p+=1;

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    若有定义语句:int year=2014,*p=&amp;year;,以下不能使变量year中的值增至2015的语句是( ) A: *p+=1 B: ( *p)++; C: ++(*p); D: *p++;

    若有定义语句:int year=2014,*p=&amp;year;,以下不能使变量year中的值增至2015的语句是( ) A: *p+=1 B: ( *p)++; C: ++(*p); D: *p++;

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    若有定义语句 : int year=2009, *p=&year; ,以下不能使变量 year 中的值增至 2010 的语句是

    若有定义语句 : int year=2009, *p=&year; ,以下不能使变量 year 中的值增至 2010 的语句是

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    In fact, ancient people celebrated the New Year even before they had ways of ________time. </p></p>

    In fact, ancient people celebrated the New Year even before they had ways of ________time. </p></p>

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    The number of students participating in online courses varies  . A: year to year B: year and year C: year by year D: year on year

    The number of students participating in online courses varies  . A: year to year B: year and year C: year by year D: year on year

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    This year is the year of Gengzi, and next year is the year of ___________.

    This year is the year of Gengzi, and next year is the year of ___________.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    判定year是否为闰年的表达式是 A: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 <> 0 B: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 , year % 100 != 0 C: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0 D: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 , year % 100 <> 0

    判定year是否为闰年的表达式是 A: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 <> 0 B: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 , year % 100 != 0 C: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0 D: year % 400 == 0 or year % 4 == 0 , year % 100 <> 0

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    21() A: next year B: that year C: this year D: by year

    21() A: next year B: that year C: this year D: by year

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