• 2021-04-14 问题

    Ma yun is a

    Ma yun is a

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Ma Yun is a business titan means Ma Yun is a very noble person in business field.

    Ma Yun is a business titan means Ma Yun is a very noble person in business field.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    中国大学MOOC: Ma Yun is a business titan means Ma Yun is ______ in business field.

    中国大学MOOC: Ma Yun is a business titan means Ma Yun is ______ in business field.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    以下哪一个检索式在SCI中能较好地检索到太极对平衡影响的相关文献? A: Tai ji AND Balance B: Tai chi AND Balance C: (Taiji OR Tai ji OR Tai chi) AND Balance D: (Tai chi OR Tai ji) AND Balance

    以下哪一个检索式在SCI中能较好地检索到太极对平衡影响的相关文献? A: Tai ji AND Balance B: Tai chi AND Balance C: (Taiji OR Tai ji OR Tai chi) AND Balance D: (Tai chi OR Tai ji) AND Balance

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    Mount Tai, located just north of Tai’an city in East China’s _______.

    Mount Tai, located just north of Tai’an city in East China’s _______.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Ma Yun is a business titan means Ma Yun is ______ in business field. A: a very noble person B: dominant C: successful and influential D: talented

    Ma Yun is a business titan means Ma Yun is ______ in business field. A: a very noble person B: dominant C: successful and influential D: talented

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    There used to be a _____ pagoda on the Yun-tai (lit. ‘Cloud Terrace’) of Juyong Pass. A: Lamaist B: single-story C: street-straddling D: Jingang

    There used to be a _____ pagoda on the Yun-tai (lit. ‘Cloud Terrace’) of Juyong Pass. A: Lamaist B: single-story C: street-straddling D: Jingang

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    In terms of tai chi, which of the following is NOT true? A: Tai chi is a fist fighting of mind and qi. B: Tai chi best symbolizes Chinese people’s philosophical ideas. C: The principle of fighting in tai chi lies in offense. D: Tai chi is composed of eight hand moves and five footwork moves.

    In terms of tai chi, which of the following is NOT true? A: Tai chi is a fist fighting of mind and qi. B: Tai chi best symbolizes Chinese people’s philosophical ideas. C: The principle of fighting in tai chi lies in offense. D: Tai chi is composed of eight hand moves and five footwork moves.

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    Mount Tai, located just north of Tai’an city in East China’s Suzhou province.

    Mount Tai, located just north of Tai’an city in East China’s Suzhou province.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    对下列音节的分析正确的一项是: A: yun的声母是y,韵腹是u,韵尾是n。 B: yun没有声母,韵腹是u,韵尾是n。 C: yun没有声母,韵腹是ü,韵尾是n。 D: yun的声母是y,韵腹是ü,韵尾是n。

    对下列音节的分析正确的一项是: A: yun的声母是y,韵腹是u,韵尾是n。 B: yun没有声母,韵腹是u,韵尾是n。 C: yun没有声母,韵腹是ü,韵尾是n。 D: yun的声母是y,韵腹是ü,韵尾是n。

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