• 2022-06-19 问题

    室外地排采用截面积不小于()mm A: 16 B: 25 C: 35 D: 95

    室外地排采用截面积不小于()mm A: 16 B: 25 C: 35 D: 95

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    内径百分表的测量范围有()等。 A: (10~18)mm B: (18~35)mm C: (35~50)mm D: (50~100)mm E: (100~160)mm

    内径百分表的测量范围有()等。 A: (10~18)mm B: (18~35)mm C: (35~50)mm D: (50~100)mm E: (100~160)mm

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    What was another contribution by Edison to the movies() A: He introduced the 35 mm standard machine to the world. B: He introduced the 35 mm as the international standard film width. C: He created a 35 mm standard device for showing movies. D: He created his own standard devices for showing 35 mm film.

    What was another contribution by Edison to the movies() A: He introduced the 35 mm standard machine to the world. B: He introduced the 35 mm as the international standard film width. C: He created a 35 mm standard device for showing movies. D: He created his own standard devices for showing 35 mm film.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    钢轨侧面磨耗在距踏面(标准断面)下测量: 14 mm处|14 mm范围内|16 mm处|16 mm范围内

    钢轨侧面磨耗在距踏面(标准断面)下测量: 14 mm处|14 mm范围内|16 mm处|16 mm范围内

  • 2022-06-26 问题

    【单选题】设有变量声明:int age; age变量中已存放了某人的年龄。联合国科教文组织定义的青年为年龄在16(含)~35(含)周岁的人,下列描述该人“不是青年人”的表达式是:(_____)。 A: age>=16 && age<=35 B: age>=16 || age<=35 C: age<16 || age>35 D: age<16 && age>35

    【单选题】设有变量声明:int age; age变量中已存放了某人的年龄。联合国科教文组织定义的青年为年龄在16(含)~35(含)周岁的人,下列描述该人“不是青年人”的表达式是:(_____)。 A: age>=16 && age<=35 B: age>=16 || age<=35 C: age<16 || age>35 D: age<16 && age>35

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    (35)10 =( )2 =( )16( )8421BCD

    (35)10 =( )2 =( )16( )8421BCD

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    10KV及以下架空线路,导线为绝缘铜线时,通过居民区时,其最小截面积为()mm A: 10 B: 16 C: 25 D: 35

    10KV及以下架空线路,导线为绝缘铜线时,通过居民区时,其最小截面积为()mm A: 10 B: 16 C: 25 D: 35

  • 2022-11-03 问题

    消防水枪的口径有()mm、()mm和()mm三种。 A: 10/15/20 B: 13/16/20 C: 15/19/21 D: 13/16/19

    消防水枪的口径有()mm、()mm和()mm三种。 A: 10/15/20 B: 13/16/20 C: 15/19/21 D: 13/16/19

  • 2022-06-07 问题



  • 2022-05-29 问题

    >>>int('35',16)的结果是 A: 53 B: 29 C: 35 D: 以上都不对

    >>>int('35',16)的结果是 A: 53 B: 29 C: 35 D: 以上都不对

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