The mild hybrid can allow the engine to turn off automatically when coasting and braking.
The mild hybrid can allow the engine to turn off automatically when coasting and braking.
In addition, the regenerative braking in PHEV is used to recharge the battery pack.
In addition, the regenerative braking in PHEV is used to recharge the battery pack.
Service brake needs higher braking force than the emergency brake.
Service brake needs higher braking force than the emergency brake.
Drive battery: is a high-output battery that stores electricity generated from regenerative braking and provides additional electric power to the electric motor;
Drive battery: is a high-output battery that stores electricity generated from regenerative braking and provides additional electric power to the electric motor;
智慧职教: 下面不属于制动系统的组成的是? What is the following composition that does not belong to the braking system?
智慧职教: 下面不属于制动系统的组成的是? What is the following composition that does not belong to the braking system?
What is the function of a backing plate? A: To control the flow of brake fluid. B: To hold the braking system together. C: To control the brake pads.
What is the function of a backing plate? A: To control the flow of brake fluid. B: To hold the braking system together. C: To control the brake pads.
anti-lock braking system_____ electronic brakeforce distribution____ traction control system_____ emergency brake assist____ electronic stability control____ wheel speed sensor____
anti-lock braking system_____ electronic brakeforce distribution____ traction control system_____ emergency brake assist____ electronic stability control____ wheel speed sensor____
Typical braking system has the following basic parts: brake pedal, brake booster, master cylinder, brake lines and brake fluidas shown in Fig.5-8.
Typical braking system has the following basic parts: brake pedal, brake booster, master cylinder, brake lines and brake fluidas shown in Fig.5-8.
下列选项中表示螺旋弹簧的是哪一项? A: stabilizer B: wheel web C: braking pedal D: coil spring
下列选项中表示螺旋弹簧的是哪一项? A: stabilizer B: wheel web C: braking pedal D: coil spring
下列选项中表示制动防抱死系统的是哪一项? A: wheel speed sensor B: vacuum booster C: hydraulic modulator D: Anti-lock braking system
下列选项中表示制动防抱死系统的是哪一项? A: wheel speed sensor B: vacuum booster C: hydraulic modulator D: Anti-lock braking system