中国大学MOOC: In order to protect environment, we should learn to distinguish between environmental ____ and environmental____.
中国大学MOOC: In order to protect environment, we should learn to distinguish between environmental ____ and environmental____.
Environmental Ethics means that moral basis of environmental responsibility.
Environmental Ethics means that moral basis of environmental responsibility.
8 A) An environmental protection law has been passed. B) An environmental protection law needs to be passed. C) This passage is about environmental protection. D) The environmental protection law will take effect soon. A: A) An environmental protection law has been passed. B: B) An environmental protection law needs to be passed. C: C) This passage is about environmental protection. D: D) The environmental protection law will take effect soon.
8 A) An environmental protection law has been passed. B) An environmental protection law needs to be passed. C) This passage is about environmental protection. D) The environmental protection law will take effect soon. A: A) An environmental protection law has been passed. B: B) An environmental protection law needs to be passed. C: C) This passage is about environmental protection. D: D) The environmental protection law will take effect soon.
Environmental incidents usually cause a sudden decline in environmental quality.
Environmental incidents usually cause a sudden decline in environmental quality.
Most of the environmental incidents polluted more than one environmental media.
Most of the environmental incidents polluted more than one environmental media.
Make the choice: A: An environmental protection law has been passed. B: An environmental protection law needs to be passed. C: This passage is about environmental protection. D: The environmental protection law will take effect soon.
Make the choice: A: An environmental protection law has been passed. B: An environmental protection law needs to be passed. C: This passage is about environmental protection. D: The environmental protection law will take effect soon.
Soil is an important environmental factor, which is the buffer zone and filter of environmental pollutants.
Soil is an important environmental factor, which is the buffer zone and filter of environmental pollutants.
Hippocrates believed that disease was ( )not a punishment inflicted by the but rather the product of environmental factors, diet, and living habits. A: disease was a punishment inflicted by the B: the product of environmental living habits C: the product of environmental diet D: the product of environmental factors
Hippocrates believed that disease was ( )not a punishment inflicted by the but rather the product of environmental factors, diet, and living habits. A: disease was a punishment inflicted by the B: the product of environmental living habits C: the product of environmental diet D: the product of environmental factors
Which of the following statements about relationship between environmental protection and economic development is wrong ( )? A: Environmental protection is not an industry. B: Environmental protection is an industry. C: Both environmental protection and economic development can be realized at the same time. D: Both environmental protection and economic development cannot be realized at the same time.
Which of the following statements about relationship between environmental protection and economic development is wrong ( )? A: Environmental protection is not an industry. B: Environmental protection is an industry. C: Both environmental protection and economic development can be realized at the same time. D: Both environmental protection and economic development cannot be realized at the same time.