下列哪种分类系统采用假花学说_____________。( ) A: Hutchinson B: Engler C: Takhtajan D: Cronquist
下列哪种分类系统采用假花学说_____________。( ) A: Hutchinson B: Engler C: Takhtajan D: Cronquist
先天性梅毒引起的畸形包括 A: 偏合 B: 腭裂 C: Hutchinson切牙 D: 桑葚状磨牙
先天性梅毒引起的畸形包括 A: 偏合 B: 腭裂 C: Hutchinson切牙 D: 桑葚状磨牙
Who was the woman, who bore William Wordsworth an illegitimate daughter, Caroline, in December, 1792? (5.2. 04:02-04:18) A: Mary Hutchinson. B: Katherine Wordsworth. C: Annette Vallon. D: Dorothy Wordsworth.
Who was the woman, who bore William Wordsworth an illegitimate daughter, Caroline, in December, 1792? (5.2. 04:02-04:18) A: Mary Hutchinson. B: Katherine Wordsworth. C: Annette Vallon. D: Dorothy Wordsworth.
The Puritans came to the new land for religious freedom, yet they allowed little freedom to their followers. Anne Hutchinson was banished from the colony for preaching that salvation can come through
The Puritans came to the new land for religious freedom, yet they allowed little freedom to their followers. Anne Hutchinson was banished from the colony for preaching that salvation can come through
中国大学MOOC: The Puritans came to the new land for religious freedom, yet they allowed little freedom to their followers. Anne Hutchinson was banished from the colony for preaching that salvation can come through good works.
中国大学MOOC: The Puritans came to the new land for religious freedom, yet they allowed little freedom to their followers. Anne Hutchinson was banished from the colony for preaching that salvation can come through good works.
Mark the letter that identifies the tone for each of the following sentences. ______The Puritans came to the new land for religious freedom, yet they allowed little freedom to their followers. Anne Hutchinson was banished from the colony for preaching that salvation can come through good works.
Mark the letter that identifies the tone for each of the following sentences. ______The Puritans came to the new land for religious freedom, yet they allowed little freedom to their followers. Anne Hutchinson was banished from the colony for preaching that salvation can come through good works.
胎传梅毒和新生儿经产道传染的梅毒最主要的临床鉴别在于胎传梅毒() A: 不加热血清反应素试验阳性 B: 出现斑疹性梅毒疹 C: 不发生硬下疳 D: 出现Hutchinson三联症 E: 发生时间早
胎传梅毒和新生儿经产道传染的梅毒最主要的临床鉴别在于胎传梅毒() A: 不加热血清反应素试验阳性 B: 出现斑疹性梅毒疹 C: 不发生硬下疳 D: 出现Hutchinson三联症 E: 发生时间早
A1/A2型题 患者右下后牙咬物不适近1年,偶有咬到某一处时锐痛。检查:右下后牙未见龋及牙周袋,右下第一磨牙咬合面近远中向窝沟处深染变宽,越过远中边缘嵴。冷测一过性敏感。X线片未见异常。该牙所患疾病可能性最大的是() A: Turner牙 B: Hutchinson牙 C: 隐裂 D: 釉质发育不全 E: 慢性牙髓炎
A1/A2型题 患者右下后牙咬物不适近1年,偶有咬到某一处时锐痛。检查:右下后牙未见龋及牙周袋,右下第一磨牙咬合面近远中向窝沟处深染变宽,越过远中边缘嵴。冷测一过性敏感。X线片未见异常。该牙所患疾病可能性最大的是() A: Turner牙 B: Hutchinson牙 C: 隐裂 D: 釉质发育不全 E: 慢性牙髓炎