文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。 A: A country will be flourishing and strong if the culture is thriving. B: A country will be prosperous with a thriving culture and a nation will be strong with robust culture.
文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。 A: A country will be flourishing and strong if the culture is thriving. B: A country will be prosperous with a thriving culture and a nation will be strong with robust culture.
At North Lancashire, they has a thriving _____________.
At North Lancashire, they has a thriving _____________.
Which of the following are components of a thriving friendship?
Which of the following are components of a thriving friendship?
San Francisco today is a thriving city because of ____.
San Francisco today is a thriving city because of ____.
The Kiowas often fought just because they needed extra lands or material gains for the sake of surviving and thriving.( )
The Kiowas often fought just because they needed extra lands or material gains for the sake of surviving and thriving.( )
How was the first adventure A: encouraging B: thriving C: discouraging D: promising
How was the first adventure A: encouraging B: thriving C: discouraging D: promising
() for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.
() for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.
Our country is ______ and prospering day by day. A: declining B: struggling C: surviving D: thriving
Our country is ______ and prospering day by day. A: declining B: struggling C: surviving D: thriving
Our country is ______ and prospering day by day. A: thrill B: thriving C: thermal D: racial
Our country is ______ and prospering day by day. A: thrill B: thriving C: thermal D: racial
教育兴则国家兴,教育强则国家强。 A: A thriving education makes a thriving country, while a powerful education makes a powerful country. B: A prosperous education makes a prosperous country, while a powerful education makes a powerful country.
教育兴则国家兴,教育强则国家强。 A: A thriving education makes a thriving country, while a powerful education makes a powerful country. B: A prosperous education makes a prosperous country, while a powerful education makes a powerful country.