板抗温度筋与受力主筋搭接长度为( )m。 A: 0.3Ll B: 1.3Ll C: Ll D: 15d
板抗温度筋与受力主筋搭接长度为( )m。 A: 0.3Ll B: 1.3Ll C: Ll D: 15d
中国大学MOOC: 有梁楼(屋)面的钢筋连接:当采用搭接连接时,相邻的钢筋接头错开的距离为0.3ll。
中国大学MOOC: 有梁楼(屋)面的钢筋连接:当采用搭接连接时,相邻的钢筋接头错开的距离为0.3ll。
有梁楼(屋)面的钢筋连接:当采用搭接连接时,相邻的钢筋接头错开的距离为0.3ll。 A: 正确 B: 错误
有梁楼(屋)面的钢筋连接:当采用搭接连接时,相邻的钢筋接头错开的距离为0.3ll。 A: 正确 B: 错误
I’ll come at ten, ____________ I’ll be free.
I’ll come at ten, ____________ I’ll be free.
What will these people be doing in a few months() A: They’ll finish their examination. B: They’ll have their Christmas vacation. C: They’ll visit their friends at college. D: They’ll study at a college.
What will these people be doing in a few months() A: They’ll finish their examination. B: They’ll have their Christmas vacation. C: They’ll visit their friends at college. D: They’ll study at a college.
在jQuery中下面哪些创建节点的方式是正确的? A: var $ll=$("") B: var $ll=$("河南科技大学") C: var $ll=$("苹果") D: var $ll=$("") E: var $ll=$("苹果")
在jQuery中下面哪些创建节点的方式是正确的? A: var $ll=$("") B: var $ll=$("河南科技大学") C: var $ll=$("苹果") D: var $ll=$("") E: var $ll=$("苹果")
下列哪项关于受拉钢筋绑扎搭接长度ll与锚固长度la的关系是正确的()。 A: ll=la B: ll>la C: ll<la D: ll≥la
下列哪项关于受拉钢筋绑扎搭接长度ll与锚固长度la的关系是正确的()。 A: ll=la B: ll>la C: ll<la D: ll≥la
( ), I’ll make the effort.. ( ), I’ll make the effort..
( ), I’ll make the effort.. ( ), I’ll make the effort..
Next year at this time, (I'll do, I'll be doing) exactly what I'm doing now. (I’ll attend, I'll be attending) school and (study, studying) hard.
Next year at this time, (I'll do, I'll be doing) exactly what I'm doing now. (I’ll attend, I'll be attending) school and (study, studying) hard.
What will there be this afternoon A: He’ll make a telephone call. B: He’ll ask the weatherman. C: He’ll listen to the radio.
What will there be this afternoon A: He’ll make a telephone call. B: He’ll ask the weatherman. C: He’ll listen to the radio.