• 2022-06-03 问题



  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Ifonegetsthemeaningofthetruesenseofhappiness,hewill______. A: stopplayinggamesandjokingwithothers B: makethebestuseofhistimeincreasinghappiness C: giveafreehandtomoney D: keephimselfwithhisfamily

    Ifonegetsthemeaningofthetruesenseofhappiness,hewill______. A: stopplayinggamesandjokingwithothers B: makethebestuseofhistimeincreasinghappiness C: giveafreehandtomoney D: keephimselfwithhisfamily

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Accordingtothepassage,ifasportsmanonlythinksaboutwinning,hewill______. A: failtosucceed B: besuccessful C: loseenjoyment D: beirrational

    Accordingtothepassage,ifasportsmanonlythinksaboutwinning,hewill______. A: failtosucceed B: besuccessful C: loseenjoyment D: beirrational

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Withmoretimeandsystematictraining,hewill()intoanexcellentbasketballplayer. A: liftup B: comeintobeing C: shapeup

    Withmoretimeandsystematictraining,hewill()intoanexcellentbasketballplayer. A: liftup B: comeintobeing C: shapeup

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    IfyouaskanAmericanhowfaritisfromthenextvillage,hewill______. A: tellyoutheexactdistanceifheknowsit B: tellyouitisclosealthoughheknowsitisn’t C: saythathedoesn’tknowandencourageyoutogoon D: decidewhetheryouaretiredornot,andthengiveyouananswer

    IfyouaskanAmericanhowfaritisfromthenextvillage,hewill______. A: tellyoutheexactdistanceifheknowsit B: tellyouitisclosealthoughheknowsitisn’t C: saythathedoesn’tknowandencourageyoutogoon D: decidewhetheryouaretiredornot,andthengiveyouananswer

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Okene says the experience scared him and hewill never work on a ship again.

    Okene says the experience scared him and hewill never work on a ship again.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Wheneverhemeetswithanewword,hewill()adictionary. A: lookitup B: lookitin C: lookitupin D: lookitwith

    Wheneverhemeetswithanewword,hewill()adictionary. A: lookitup B: lookitin C: lookitupin D: lookitwith

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Mr.Joneswastired,hewill()overhisdutyoflookouttoanothersailor. A: take B: think C: hand D: get

    Mr.Joneswastired,hewill()overhisdutyoflookouttoanothersailor. A: take B: think C: hand D: get

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    1. He continues to insist that all he wrote in the book is nothing but the truth, and that hewill stand___his words.

    1. He continues to insist that all he wrote in the book is nothing but the truth, and that hewill stand___his words.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Jessica tells Bruce that he has to chaira(n) 1 ____________on Monday morning and then fly to Taipei to 2_________________. During his stay in Taipei, he will visit 3 __________________. In addition, hewill meet important persons from Union Ltd., including their President, Edward Martin,4 _______________and R&D personnel.He will 5 _____________ on the final daybefore flying back.

    Jessica tells Bruce that he has to chaira(n) 1 ____________on Monday morning and then fly to Taipei to 2_________________. During his stay in Taipei, he will visit 3 __________________. In addition, hewill meet important persons from Union Ltd., including their President, Edward Martin,4 _______________and R&D personnel.He will 5 _____________ on the final daybefore flying back.

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