• 2022-05-29 问题

    中国大学MOOC: 1.William Shakespeare is a great writer in the _____________ language.

    中国大学MOOC: 1.William Shakespeare is a great writer in the _____________ language.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    1.William Shakespeare is a great writer in the _____________ language. A: French B: English C: Spanish D: German

    1.William Shakespeare is a great writer in the _____________ language. A: French B: English C: Spanish D: German

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    William, Duke of Normandy, is now known as ______. A: William Rufus B: William the Confessor C: William the Great D: William the Conqueror

    William, Duke of Normandy, is now known as ______. A: William Rufus B: William the Confessor C: William the Great D: William the Conqueror

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    How to address Professor William Xu?: Mr. William|Professor Xu|William

    How to address Professor William Xu?: Mr. William|Professor Xu|William

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    The Vision of Piers Plowman, a long poem with 7277 lines, is written by (). A: William Shakespeare B: William Blake C: William Langland D: William Wordsworth

    The Vision of Piers Plowman, a long poem with 7277 lines, is written by (). A: William Shakespeare B: William Blake C: William Langland D: William Wordsworth

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    The ____ are coming to dinner. A: William B: Williams C: William’s

    The ____ are coming to dinner. A: William B: Williams C: William’s

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    It is mentioned that Allen Ginsberg is intellectually indebted to_____. A: William Blake and William Carlos Williams B: William Blake and Walt Whitman C: Walt Whitman and William Carlos Williams D: Jack Karouac and Gary Snyder

    It is mentioned that Allen Ginsberg is intellectually indebted to_____. A: William Blake and William Carlos Williams B: William Blake and Walt Whitman C: Walt Whitman and William Carlos Williams D: Jack Karouac and Gary Snyder

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    When and where was William Wordsworth born? (5.2. 00:05-20)? William Wordsworth was born in 1778 in the Lake District in England.|William Wordsworth was born in 1771 in the Lake District in England.|William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in the Lake District in England.|William Wordsworth was born in 1780 in the Lake District in England.

    When and where was William Wordsworth born? (5.2. 00:05-20)? William Wordsworth was born in 1778 in the Lake District in England.|William Wordsworth was born in 1771 in the Lake District in England.|William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in the Lake District in England.|William Wordsworth was born in 1780 in the Lake District in England.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    雨课堂: 讲座中,提到William Mcneil指出社会变革的主要动力是[填空1]

    雨课堂: 讲座中,提到William Mcneil指出社会变革的主要动力是[填空1]

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Task1Choosethecorrectsentencesfromthetabletofillintheblanks. A.Howwouldyouliketojoinus? B.Well,indeed,thankyouverymuchforinvitingme. C.Howabouteighto’clock? D.Whatareyoudoingtomorrowevening? E.Um,whitewine,ifyoufeelyoumustbringsomething. F.Whattimeisconvenientforyou? Wang:Hello,William.__________1____________ William:Tomorrowevening?Nothingspecial,IwasthinkingofwatchingTV. Wang:Dragyourselfawayfromtelevisionforachange.I’mhavingafewfriendstohaveadinnerpartytomorrowtocelebratemydaughter’sbirthday._________2___________ William:Great.Thatwouldbesuper.Congratulations! Wang:Thankyou.________3__________IsthatOK? William:Ohyes,fine.WoulditbealrightifIbroughtsomebodywithme? Wang:Yes,ofcourse. William:OK,fine.Doyouwantmetobringsomethingtodrink?Redwineorwhite? Wang:_________4___________Butit’snotnecessary. William:I’lldothat.___________5___________ Wang:Mypleasure. William:I’llbealongateight.Lookingforwardtoit. Wang:Yeah,seeyouthen.

    Task1Choosethecorrectsentencesfromthetabletofillintheblanks. A.Howwouldyouliketojoinus? B.Well,indeed,thankyouverymuchforinvitingme. C.Howabouteighto’clock? D.Whatareyoudoingtomorrowevening? E.Um,whitewine,ifyoufeelyoumustbringsomething. F.Whattimeisconvenientforyou? Wang:Hello,William.__________1____________ William:Tomorrowevening?Nothingspecial,IwasthinkingofwatchingTV. Wang:Dragyourselfawayfromtelevisionforachange.I’mhavingafewfriendstohaveadinnerpartytomorrowtocelebratemydaughter’sbirthday._________2___________ William:Great.Thatwouldbesuper.Congratulations! Wang:Thankyou.________3__________IsthatOK? William:Ohyes,fine.WoulditbealrightifIbroughtsomebodywithme? Wang:Yes,ofcourse. William:OK,fine.Doyouwantmetobringsomethingtodrink?Redwineorwhite? Wang:_________4___________Butit’snotnecessary. William:I’lldothat.___________5___________ Wang:Mypleasure. William:I’llbealongateight.Lookingforwardtoit. Wang:Yeah,seeyouthen.

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