Have you had supper? "Not yet. The meal_____." A: are being cooked B: is being cooked C: is cooked D: are cooked
Have you had supper? "Not yet. The meal_____." A: are being cooked B: is being cooked C: is cooked D: are cooked
【单选题】---.“Howabout the dishes, Dear?” ---“The beef didn’t taste very good. It ______too long.” A. cooked B. had been cooked C. was cooked D. had cooked
【单选题】---.“Howabout the dishes, Dear?” ---“The beef didn’t taste very good. It ______too long.” A. cooked B. had been cooked C. was cooked D. had cooked
The mirror test is used to investigate children’s recognition of ( ). A: Spiritual self B: Subjective self C: Material self D: Objective self
The mirror test is used to investigate children’s recognition of ( ). A: Spiritual self B: Subjective self C: Material self D: Objective self
My mother ____ dinner when I got home. A: was cooking B: cooked C: has cooked D: cooks
My mother ____ dinner when I got home. A: was cooking B: cooked C: has cooked D: cooks
— Where is Peter? — He ___________ dinner for his parents at home. A: cooks B: cooked C: has cooked D: is cooking
— Where is Peter? — He ___________ dinner for his parents at home. A: cooks B: cooked C: has cooked D: is cooking
Most green vegetables, ____ for too long, will lose nutrition. A: if to be cooke B: if cooked C: if cooking D: if being cooked
Most green vegetables, ____ for too long, will lose nutrition. A: if to be cooke B: if cooked C: if cooking D: if being cooked
These vegetables can be cooked in (variety) _________ ways.
These vegetables can be cooked in (variety) _________ ways.
以下程序的输出结果是()。 classA: deffun1(self):print("fun1A") deffun2(self):print("fun2A") classB(A): deffun1(self):print("fun1B") deffun3(self):print("fun2B") b=B() b.fun1() b.fun2() a=A() a.fun1() a.fun2()
以下程序的输出结果是()。 classA: deffun1(self):print("fun1A") deffun2(self):print("fun2A") classB(A): deffun1(self):print("fun1B") deffun3(self):print("fun2B") b=B() b.fun1() b.fun2() a=A() a.fun1() a.fun2()
A common type of cooked meal in Britain could be ______.
A common type of cooked meal in Britain could be ______.
It is __________ by the fine selection of __________, how it is cooked, and how _________ it is.
It is __________ by the fine selection of __________, how it is cooked, and how _________ it is.