数值为532的变量,应使用以下那种数据类型定义比较合适? A: unsigned charvalue=532; B: unsigned int value=532; C: unsigned long value=532; D: float value=532;
数值为532的变量,应使用以下那种数据类型定义比较合适? A: unsigned charvalue=532; B: unsigned int value=532; C: unsigned long value=532; D: float value=532;
执行语句x=(a=3,b=a--)后x,a,b的值为_______. A: 332 B: 322 C: 323 D: 232
执行语句x=(a=3,b=a--)后x,a,b的值为_______. A: 332 B: 322 C: 323 D: 232
陀螺经纬仪一次定向的程序为()。 A: 323或222 B: 333或222 C: 323或333 D: 323或343
陀螺经纬仪一次定向的程序为()。 A: 323或222 B: 333或222 C: 323或333 D: 323或343
and got the key to his room. His room number was_______ A: 532 B: 235 C: 352
and got the key to his room. His room number was_______ A: 532 B: 235 C: 352
The United States has a large population of 323 million, which makes it the __________ populous nation in the world.
The United States has a large population of 323 million, which makes it the __________ populous nation in the world.
下列变量名合法的有? A: 34-5 B: x86 C: _ 323 D: switch
下列变量名合法的有? A: 34-5 B: x86 C: _ 323 D: switch