• 2022-06-06 问题

    About American music, which of the following statement is not true?( ) A: Rock and roll, blues, country, rhythm and jazz, pop, and hip-hop are among the country's most internationally-renowned genres. B: The United States has the world's second largest music industry. C: It reflects the country’s multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. D: One of the common themes of country music is about life in rural America.

    About American music, which of the following statement is not true?( ) A: Rock and roll, blues, country, rhythm and jazz, pop, and hip-hop are among the country's most internationally-renowned genres. B: The United States has the world's second largest music industry. C: It reflects the country’s multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. D: One of the common themes of country music is about life in rural America.

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    在SETEXACTON情况下,结果值为逻辑真的表达式是()。 A: ''数据库系统''=''数据库'' B: ''数据库''=''数据库系统'' C: ''数据库''==''数据库''+space(4) D: ''数据库''=''数据库''+space(4)

    在SETEXACTON情况下,结果值为逻辑真的表达式是()。 A: ''数据库系统''=''数据库'' B: ''数据库''=''数据库系统'' C: ''数据库''==''数据库''+space(4) D: ''数据库''=''数据库''+space(4)

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    智慧职教: 已知有字典dict1={'中国':'北京','美国':'华盛顿','俄罗斯':'莫斯科','日本':'东京'},要输出'美国'所对应的值的正确语句为

    智慧职教: 已知有字典dict1={'中国':'北京','美国':'华盛顿','俄罗斯':'莫斯科','日本':'东京'},要输出'美国'所对应的值的正确语句为

  • 2022-06-30 问题

    下列不正确的转义字符是_______。 A: '' B: '074' C: '' ' D: ''''

    下列不正确的转义字符是_______。 A: '' B: '074' C: '' ' D: ''''

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    表示职称为副教授同时性别为男的表达式为( )。 A: IN ('副教授','男') B: 职称='副教授' AND 性别='男' C: 职称='副教授' OR 性别='男' D: BETWEEN '副教授' AND '男'

    表示职称为副教授同时性别为男的表达式为( )。 A: IN ('副教授','男') B: 职称='副教授' AND 性别='男' C: 职称='副教授' OR 性别='男' D: BETWEEN '副教授' AND '男'

  • 2022-07-29 问题

    向student表插入一条新记录的正确SQL语句是()。 A: APPENDINTOstudentVALUES('0401','王芳','女',18) B: APPENDstudentVALUES('0401','王芳','女',18) C: INSERTINTOstudentVALUES('0401','王芳','女',18) D: INSERTstudentVALUES('0401','王芳','女',18)

    向student表插入一条新记录的正确SQL语句是()。 A: APPENDINTOstudentVALUES('0401','王芳','女',18) B: APPENDstudentVALUES('0401','王芳','女',18) C: INSERTINTOstudentVALUES('0401','王芳','女',18) D: INSERTstudentVALUES('0401','王芳','女',18)

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    执行下列哪个语句能够得到结果'2001-2-15' A: '-'.join(['2001', '2', '15']) B: '-'.join('2001', '2', '15') C: '-'.join(2001, 2,15) D: '-'.join([2001, 2,15])

    执行下列哪个语句能够得到结果'2001-2-15' A: '-'.join(['2001', '2', '15']) B: '-'.join('2001', '2', '15') C: '-'.join(2001, 2,15) D: '-'.join([2001, 2,15])

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    To the country of production or the country of consumption, the trade made through the third country is indirect trade; to the third country, it is entrepot trade.

    To the country of production or the country of consumption, the trade made through the third country is indirect trade; to the third country, it is entrepot trade.

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    When FDI happens from Country A into Country B, that is, when a firm based in Country A acquires assets in Country B.

    When FDI happens from Country A into Country B, that is, when a firm based in Country A acquires assets in Country B.

  • 2022-06-29 问题

    以下哪个选项是判断ch是否为大写字母的正确形式? A: ch >= & B: 39;A& C: 39; && ch <=& D: 39;Z& E: 39; F: ch <= & G: 39;Z& H: 39; && ch >= & I: 39;A& J: 39; K: & L: 39;A& M: 39; <= ch <= & N: 39;Z& O: 39; P: ch >= & Q: 39;A& R: 39; || ch <= & S: 39;Z& T: 39; U: ch >=& V: 39;A& W: 39; AND ch <=& X: 39;Z& Y: 39; Z: ch BETWEEN & [: 39;A& \: 39; AND & ]: 39;Z"

    以下哪个选项是判断ch是否为大写字母的正确形式? A: ch >= & B: 39;A& C: 39; && ch <=& D: 39;Z& E: 39; F: ch <= & G: 39;Z& H: 39; && ch >= & I: 39;A& J: 39; K: & L: 39;A& M: 39; <= ch <= & N: 39;Z& O: 39; P: ch >= & Q: 39;A& R: 39; || ch <= & S: 39;Z& T: 39; U: ch >=& V: 39;A& W: 39; AND ch <=& X: 39;Z& Y: 39; Z: ch BETWEEN & [: 39;A& \: 39; AND & ]: 39;Z"

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