• 2022-05-27 问题

    Theschool_______heoncestudiedinisfamous. A: where B: inwhich C: inthat D: that

    Theschool_______heoncestudiedinisfamous. A: where B: inwhich C: inthat D: that

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Thereason_____theydiedwaslackofmedicalcare. A: which B: that C: inwhich D: why

    Thereason_____theydiedwaslackofmedicalcare. A: which B: that C: inwhich D: why

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Thisistheonlypaintinginthisstyle____________wehave. A: which B: that C: inwhich D: inthat

    Thisistheonlypaintinginthisstyle____________wehave. A: which B: that C: inwhich D: inthat

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Theworld____weliveismadeupofwater. A: atwhich B: inwhich C: onwhich D: ofwhich

    Theworld____weliveismadeupofwater. A: atwhich B: inwhich C: onwhich D: ofwhich

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Theworld______weliveismadeupofmatter. A: onwhich B: ofwhich C: atwhich D: inwhich

    Theworld______weliveismadeupofmatter. A: onwhich B: ofwhich C: atwhich D: inwhich

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Thecompany’smanagementsystemreflectsthecustomsandtraditionofthesociety()it operated. A: inwhich B: inthat C: fromwhere

    Thecompany’smanagementsystemreflectsthecustomsandtraditionofthesociety()it operated. A: inwhich B: inthat C: fromwhere

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    23.Wehavereceivedyourenquiryof15October________youshowgreatinterestinourelectricheaters. A: which B: atwhich C: inwhich D: fromwhich

    23.Wehavereceivedyourenquiryof15October________youshowgreatinterestinourelectricheaters. A: which B: atwhich C: inwhich D: fromwhich

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Thereason_____hegivesfornotcomingisunacceptable. A: which B: forwhich C: inwhich D: why

    Thereason_____hegivesfornotcomingisunacceptable. A: which B: forwhich C: inwhich D: why

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Inthe2008OlympicGamestheChineseteamwon100medals,51______weregold. A: ofwhich B: withwhich C: inwhich D: which

    Inthe2008OlympicGamestheChineseteamwon100medals,51______weregold. A: ofwhich B: withwhich C: inwhich D: which

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Assume you are an American importer who needs to pay 500,000 EUR at the end of 90 days. You face a risk of loss if the EUR .

    Assume you are an American importer who needs to pay 500,000 EUR at the end of 90 days. You face a risk of loss if the EUR .

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