• 2022-06-15 问题

    What is true about the Red Cross A: It is an international organization set up in the U. S. B: Every country has at least one Red Cross agency. C: It has only one name though it used to have several names. D: It provides a lot of services for people in different countries.

    What is true about the Red Cross A: It is an international organization set up in the U. S. B: Every country has at least one Red Cross agency. C: It has only one name though it used to have several names. D: It provides a lot of services for people in different countries.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    The children are always warned the street when the trafic light is red . a. not to cross b. to cross A: not to cross B: to cross

    The children are always warned the street when the trafic light is red . a. not to cross b. to cross A: not to cross B: to cross

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    北欧式滑雪包括了越野滑雪(Cross Country Skiing)和滑雪跳跃(Ski Jumping),名称的由来是因为这种运动起源于北欧各国。

    北欧式滑雪包括了越野滑雪(Cross Country Skiing)和滑雪跳跃(Ski Jumping),名称的由来是因为这种运动起源于北欧各国。

  • 2022-10-29 问题

    跨境电子商务的英文名称是( ) A: Cross Border Commerce B: Cross border Trade C: Cross Border E-commerce D: Cross Border Communication

    跨境电子商务的英文名称是( ) A: Cross Border Commerce B: Cross border Trade C: Cross Border E-commerce D: Cross Border Communication

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    “cross this square”中“cross”的意思是

    “cross this square”中“cross”的意思是

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    St. Andria Cross (The white cross on the blue background) represents _____________

    St. Andria Cross (The white cross on the blue background) represents _____________

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    St. George Cross (The red cross on the white background) represents___________.

    St. George Cross (The red cross on the white background) represents___________.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Be careful when ______ the road. A: [A] crossing B: to cross C: cross

    Be careful when ______ the road. A: [A] crossing B: to cross C: cross

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    In the movie, Ellie said: ‘cross your heart.’ Here ‘ cross your heart ’ means ________.

    In the movie, Ellie said: ‘cross your heart.’ Here ‘ cross your heart ’ means ________.

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    In ski cross, only the first skier to cross the finish line can move on to the next round.

    In ski cross, only the first skier to cross the finish line can move on to the next round.

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