A plastic is a synthetic material which can be molded into any desired shape and which uses an organic substance as a binder.
A plastic is a synthetic material which can be molded into any desired shape and which uses an organic substance as a binder.
Android中的Broadcast实际底层使用()机制。 A: AIDL B: NDK C: Binder D: 延时加载
Android中的Broadcast实际底层使用()机制。 A: AIDL B: NDK C: Binder D: 延时加载
He sent his parents some of his recent news articles in a(n)______,arranged according to their publication dates. A: binder B: bind C: bound D: bond
He sent his parents some of his recent news articles in a(n)______,arranged according to their publication dates. A: binder B: bind C: bound D: bond
39.在Android中,可以使用哪些方式创建StartedService?() A: 继承IntentService类 B: 继承Service类 C: 继承Binder类 D: 使用Messager类
39.在Android中,可以使用哪些方式创建StartedService?() A: 继承IntentService类 B: 继承Service类 C: 继承Binder类 D: 使用Messager类