在RHEL7/CentOS7系统中启动网络服务的命令是()。 A: service network start; B: /etc/init.d/network start; C: systemctl start network.service; D: /etc/init.d/rc.d/init.d start;
在RHEL7/CentOS7系统中启动网络服务的命令是()。 A: service network start; B: /etc/init.d/network start; C: systemctl start network.service; D: /etc/init.d/rc.d/init.d start;
在RHEL7/CentOS7系统中启动网络服务的命令是(<br/>)。 A: service<br/>network start B: /etc/init.d/network start C: systemctl<br/>start network.service D: /etc/init.d/rc.d/init.d start
在RHEL7/CentOS7系统中启动网络服务的命令是(<br/>)。 A: service<br/>network start B: /etc/init.d/network start C: systemctl<br/>start network.service D: /etc/init.d/rc.d/init.d start
SNS可以表述为: A: Social Network Service B: Service Network Software C: Social Near Site D: Social Network Software
SNS可以表述为: A: Social Network Service B: Service Network Software C: Social Near Site D: Social Network Software
在控制节点上重启网络服务的命令是: A: service network restart B: service network start C: service neutron restart D: service neutron start
在控制节点上重启网络服务的命令是: A: service network restart B: service network start C: service neutron restart D: service neutron start
5.域名系统DNS的含义是 A: Domain Name Service B: Direct Network System C: Dynamic Network System D: Distributed Network Service
5.域名系统DNS的含义是 A: Domain Name Service B: Direct Network System C: Dynamic Network System D: Distributed Network Service
26.域名系统DNS的含义是 ( )。 A: A、Direct Network System B: B、Domain Name Service C: C、Dynamic Network System D: D、Distributed Network Service
26.域名系统DNS的含义是 ( )。 A: A、Direct Network System B: B、Domain Name Service C: C、Dynamic Network System D: D、Distributed Network Service
以下什么命令可以重启网卡 A: service iptables restart B: service network restart C: service firewall restart D: service eth0 restart
以下什么命令可以重启网卡 A: service iptables restart B: service network restart C: service firewall restart D: service eth0 restart
____any wireless service, you need three things to get access: a network, a device for connecting and a service plan.
____any wireless service, you need three things to get access: a network, a device for connecting and a service plan.
SNS的英文全称是指Social Network Service。
SNS的英文全称是指Social Network Service。
The abbreviation WWNWS means ( ) A: World Wide Network Warning Station B: World Wide Navigational Warning Service C: World Wide number Watch Station D: World Wide Network Watch Service
The abbreviation WWNWS means ( ) A: World Wide Network Warning Station B: World Wide Navigational Warning Service C: World Wide number Watch Station D: World Wide Network Watch Service