在SCI E数据库中检索废水中苯酚的降解研究,最佳检索式为: A: ts=(("waste water" or wastewater) and degradat*) B: ts=(("waste water" or wastewater) and phenol and degradat* and stud*) C: ts=(("waste water" or wastewater) and phenol and degradat*) D: ts=(phenol and degradat*)
在SCI E数据库中检索废水中苯酚的降解研究,最佳检索式为: A: ts=(("waste water" or wastewater) and degradat*) B: ts=(("waste water" or wastewater) and phenol and degradat* and stud*) C: ts=(("waste water" or wastewater) and phenol and degradat*) D: ts=(phenol and degradat*)
Which of the following compounds is the most acidic? A: phenol B: p-cresol C: p-nitrophenol D: benzyl alcohol
Which of the following compounds is the most acidic? A: phenol B: p-cresol C: p-nitrophenol D: benzyl alcohol
在下列塑料中,属于热固性塑料的是(<br/>)塑料。 A: PVC B: PE C: phenol<br/>formaldehyde D: PP
在下列塑料中,属于热固性塑料的是(<br/>)塑料。 A: PVC B: PE C: phenol<br/>formaldehyde D: PP
Which of the following chemicals should not be stored for more than one year, and if exposed to air, peroxides can form when exposed to light A: Ethanol B: Tetrahydrofura C: Ether D: Phenol
Which of the following chemicals should not be stored for more than one year, and if exposed to air, peroxides can form when exposed to light A: Ethanol B: Tetrahydrofura C: Ether D: Phenol
人类对高分子的认识和利用是从天然高分子的化学改性开始的,其中包括 A: 天然橡胶(Naturalrubber,NR)的硫化 B: 硝化纤维赛璐珞(Celluloid)的出现 C: 酚醛树脂(Phenol-formaldehyderesin,PF)的合成 D: 粘胶纤维(Viscose)的生产
人类对高分子的认识和利用是从天然高分子的化学改性开始的,其中包括 A: 天然橡胶(Naturalrubber,NR)的硫化 B: 硝化纤维赛璐珞(Celluloid)的出现 C: 酚醛树脂(Phenol-formaldehyderesin,PF)的合成 D: 粘胶纤维(Viscose)的生产