The mean packed-cell volume of red cells is termed as______. ( ) A: hematocrit B: hematopoiesis C: hematoma D: hemoglobin
The mean packed-cell volume of red cells is termed as______. ( ) A: hematocrit B: hematopoiesis C: hematoma D: hemoglobin
They packed and ______________ of the hotel.
They packed and ______________ of the hotel.
The goods are to be ______ in strong wooden cases. A: pack B: packing C: packed D: have packed
The goods are to be ______ in strong wooden cases. A: pack B: packing C: packed D: have packed
构成胃黏膜上皮的细胞是<br/>() A: chief<br/>cell(zymogenic cell) B: parietal cell(oxyntic cell) C: mucous<br/>neck cell D: surface<br/>mucous cell E: Paneth<br/>cell
构成胃黏膜上皮的细胞是<br/>() A: chief<br/>cell(zymogenic cell) B: parietal cell(oxyntic cell) C: mucous<br/>neck cell D: surface<br/>mucous cell E: Paneth<br/>cell
Which cell is the most abundant cell in the epidermis? A: Merkel cell B: Keratinocyte C: Langerhans cell D: Melanocyte
Which cell is the most abundant cell in the epidermis? A: Merkel cell B: Keratinocyte C: Langerhans cell D: Melanocyte
降钙素是由下列哪种细胞分泌: A: Parafollicular cell B: follicular epithelial cell C: chief cell D: acidophilic cell E: chromaffin cell
降钙素是由下列哪种细胞分泌: A: Parafollicular cell B: follicular epithelial cell C: chief cell D: acidophilic cell E: chromaffin cell
Which<br/>of the following cell is not labile cell () A: urothelial<br/>cell B: epidermis C: Lymphohematopoietic<br/>cell D: hepatocyte E: respiratory<br/>epithelial cell
Which<br/>of the following cell is not labile cell () A: urothelial<br/>cell B: epidermis C: Lymphohematopoietic<br/>cell D: hepatocyte E: respiratory<br/>epithelial cell
Islet can be divided into ( ) cells by staining. A: Islet A cell B: Islet B cell C: Islet C cell D: Islet D cell E: Islet PP cell
Islet can be divided into ( ) cells by staining. A: Islet A cell B: Islet B cell C: Islet C cell D: Islet D cell E: Islet PP cell
Which cell is characterized by their phagocytic abilities () A: Fibroblast B: Mast cell C: Macrophage D: Plasma cell E: Adipose cell
Which cell is characterized by their phagocytic abilities () A: Fibroblast B: Mast cell C: Macrophage D: Plasma cell E: Adipose cell
The cell with the function of phagocytosis and antigen presenting is A: macrophage B: plasma cell C: fibrocyte D: fat cell E: mast cell
The cell with the function of phagocytosis and antigen presenting is A: macrophage B: plasma cell C: fibrocyte D: fat cell E: mast cell