The word/words that make the sentence "The evidence for using kites to move large stones in the construction of the pyramids is no better or worse than the evidence for the brute force method" an opinion is __________. A: evidence B: no better or worse C: brute D: /
The word/words that make the sentence "The evidence for using kites to move large stones in the construction of the pyramids is no better or worse than the evidence for the brute force method" an opinion is __________. A: evidence B: no better or worse C: brute D: /
Which of the following is not a password attack method? ( ) A: Dictionary attack B: Brute force C: Replay attack D: Port scan
Which of the following is not a password attack method? ( ) A: Dictionary attack B: Brute force C: Replay attack D: Port scan
关于暴力算法(brute force)的说法何者错误? A: 基于穷举的概念,将所有的可能性都尝试一遍 B: 在串的模式匹配中,若主串长度为s.len,模式串为t.len,则最差时间复杂度达到O(s.len*t.len) C: 暴力算法(brute force)其主要时间复杂度的贡献在于搬动数据的次数以及字符串的长度 D: KMP可降低暴力算法(brute force)的时间复杂度,其时间复杂度可达O(s.len+t.len)
关于暴力算法(brute force)的说法何者错误? A: 基于穷举的概念,将所有的可能性都尝试一遍 B: 在串的模式匹配中,若主串长度为s.len,模式串为t.len,则最差时间复杂度达到O(s.len*t.len) C: 暴力算法(brute force)其主要时间复杂度的贡献在于搬动数据的次数以及字符串的长度 D: KMP可降低暴力算法(brute force)的时间复杂度,其时间复杂度可达O(s.len+t.len)
设目标串text=“abccdcdccbaa”,模式串pattern=“cdcc”,若采用BF(Brute Force)算法,则在第()趟匹配成功 A: 5 B: 6 C: 7 D: 8
设目标串text=“abccdcdccbaa”,模式串pattern=“cdcc”,若采用BF(Brute Force)算法,则在第()趟匹配成功 A: 5 B: 6 C: 7 D: 8
Whendoesthestorytakeplacein “Brute”
Whendoesthestorytakeplacein “Brute”
What is the moral of "The Use of Force" and "Brute" A: We should oppose any discrimination against the patient. B: Doctors' working hours should be reduced. C: Problem doctors should be expelled. D: Doctors should never set their anger on their patients.
What is the moral of "The Use of Force" and "Brute" A: We should oppose any discrimination against the patient. B: Doctors' working hours should be reduced. C: Problem doctors should be expelled. D: Doctors should never set their anger on their patients.
若n为主串长度,m为模式串长度,采用BF(Brute Force)模式匹配算法,在最好情况下需要的字符比较次数为() A: m B: n C: m+n D: m×n
若n为主串长度,m为模式串长度,采用BF(Brute Force)模式匹配算法,在最好情况下需要的字符比较次数为() A: m B: n C: m+n D: m×n
brute means physical strength rather than thought and intelligence.()
brute means physical strength rather than thought and intelligence.()
Which forces belong to external forces(). A: spring force B: damper force C: actuator force D: gravity force
Which forces belong to external forces(). A: spring force B: damper force C: actuator force D: gravity force
The essence of internal force is the force between atoms.
The essence of internal force is the force between atoms.