• 2022-06-08 问题

    Ro-ro is an acronym for_________. A: Roll-on and-off B: Roll-on/roll-down C: Roll-on/roll-off D: Roll and roll

    Ro-ro is an acronym for_________. A: Roll-on and-off B: Roll-on/roll-down C: Roll-on/roll-off D: Roll and roll

  • 2022-07-26 问题

    卷起 A: roll up B: roll down C: roll out

    卷起 A: roll up B: roll down C: roll out

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Which of the following is considered an example of bad manners? A: To discuss politics with your American friend in a McDonald’s. B: To shake hands with every French friend you know before sitting down in a café. off your jacket and roll up your sleeves while getting down to work with British people. C: To receive and give business cards with both hands. D: To take off your jacket and roll up your sleeves while getting down to work with British people.

    Which of the following is considered an example of bad manners? A: To discuss politics with your American friend in a McDonald’s. B: To shake hands with every French friend you know before sitting down in a café. off your jacket and roll up your sleeves while getting down to work with British people. C: To receive and give business cards with both hands. D: To take off your jacket and roll up your sleeves while getting down to work with British people.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    ________ was punished in Tartarus for his misdeeds by eternally having to roll a heavy stone up a hill, from which it always rolled down again. A: Sisyphus B: Tantalus C: Ixion D: Midas

    ________ was punished in Tartarus for his misdeeds by eternally having to roll a heavy stone up a hill, from which it always rolled down again. A: Sisyphus B: Tantalus C: Ixion D: Midas

  • 2022-11-04 问题

    eye roll

    eye roll

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The blues has its influence on a lot of music styles, like _________. A: rock and roll, and country. B: rock and roll, and contemporary R and B and soul. C: rock and roll, jazz and reggae. D: jazz and reggae.

    The blues has its influence on a lot of music styles, like _________. A: rock and roll, and country. B: rock and roll, and contemporary R and B and soul. C: rock and roll, jazz and reggae. D: jazz and reggae.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Elvis didn‘t invent rock and roll, but he did set offrock and roll's conquest of popular culture.

    Elvis didn‘t invent rock and roll, but he did set offrock and roll's conquest of popular culture.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    time to roll up your

    time to roll up your

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Who was the "King of Rock and Roll"?

    Who was the "King of Rock and Roll"?

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    多维分析技术主要包括以下哪些? A: 上卷 (roll up) B: 下钻(drill down) C: 切片(slice) D: 切丁(dice) E: 旋转(rotate) F: 透视(perspective) G: 删除 H: 插入 I: 更新

    多维分析技术主要包括以下哪些? A: 上卷 (roll up) B: 下钻(drill down) C: 切片(slice) D: 切丁(dice) E: 旋转(rotate) F: 透视(perspective) G: 删除 H: 插入 I: 更新

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