Which of the following gestures can be seen as appropriate()? A: Ok------the<br/>UK B: Ok------the<br/>USA C: Ok<br/>------Germany D: Ok<br/>------Turkey
Which of the following gestures can be seen as appropriate()? A: Ok------the<br/>UK B: Ok------the<br/>USA C: Ok<br/>------Germany D: Ok<br/>------Turkey
Which of the following gestures can be seen as offensive? A: Thumbs up-------Iran B: Thumbs up--------Grace C: Ok------the USA D: Ok ------Grace
Which of the following gestures can be seen as offensive? A: Thumbs up-------Iran B: Thumbs up--------Grace C: Ok------the USA D: Ok ------Grace
print('I\'m \"OK\"! ' )的输出结果是? A: I'm "OK"! B: I'm "OK"!' C: I'm 'OK'! D: I\'m "OK"!
print('I\'m \"OK\"! ' )的输出结果是? A: I'm "OK"! B: I'm "OK"!' C: I'm 'OK'! D: I\'m "OK"!
以下程序的运行结果是【 A: OK B: OK,* C: OK* D: O,K
以下程序的运行结果是【 A: OK B: OK,* C: OK* D: O,K
Idioms are _______for an informal letter. A. OK B. Not OK
Idioms are _______for an informal letter. A. OK B. Not OK
若有定义语句char s1[]='OK',s2[]='ok';,以下选项中能够输出'OK'的语句是__________。
若有定义语句char s1[]='OK',s2[]='ok';,以下选项中能够输出'OK'的语句是__________。
下列符合c语法的if语句是: A: if 3>5 then printf("Ok!"); B: if 3>5 printf("Ok!") C: if (3>5) then printf("Ok!"); D: if (3>5) printf("Ok!");
下列符合c语法的if语句是: A: if 3>5 then printf("Ok!"); B: if 3>5 printf("Ok!") C: if (3>5) then printf("Ok!"); D: if (3>5) printf("Ok!");
想要使用while循环重复打印3次OK,下列代码正确的是? A: a = 0while a < 3: a += 1 print('OK') B: a = 0while a < 10: a += 1 print('OK') C: a = 0while a < 3: a += 1print('OK') D: a = 0while a < 3: print('OK')
想要使用while循环重复打印3次OK,下列代码正确的是? A: a = 0while a < 3: a += 1 print('OK') B: a = 0while a < 10: a += 1 print('OK') C: a = 0while a < 3: a += 1print('OK') D: a = 0while a < 3: print('OK')
12window对象测试2:下列哪个弹窗可以让用户输入内容? A: window.alert("ok") B: window.confirm("ok?") C: window.prompt("ok?")
12window对象测试2:下列哪个弹窗可以让用户输入内容? A: window.alert("ok") B: window.confirm("ok?") C: window.prompt("ok?")