如下程序声明了一个电话号码类PhoneNumber,重载了流插入运算符<<,以便于电话号码的输出。请将程序补充完整。 #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> using namespace std; class PhoneNumber{ public: void setNumber(string number){this->number=number;} friend______(ostream&output,const PhoneNumber&nuln) //重载流插入操作符 {output<<num.number;return output;} private: string number; }; int main( ){ PhoneNumber phone; phone.setNumber("8008100598"); cout<<"The phone number is:"<<phone<<endl: return 0; }
如下程序声明了一个电话号码类PhoneNumber,重载了流插入运算符<<,以便于电话号码的输出。请将程序补充完整。 #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> using namespace std; class PhoneNumber{ public: void setNumber(string number){this->number=number;} friend______(ostream&output,const PhoneNumber&nuln) //重载流插入操作符 {output<<num.number;return output;} private: string number; }; int main( ){ PhoneNumber phone; phone.setNumber("8008100598"); cout<<"The phone number is:"<<phone<<endl: return 0; }
如下程序声明了一个电话号码类PhoneNumber,重载了流插入运算符<;<;,以便于电话号码的输出。请将程序补充完整。#include<;iostream>;#include<;iomanip>;#include<;string>;using namespace std;class PhoneNumber{public: void setNumber(string number){this->;number=number;}//重载流插入操作符 friend <;span style="text-decoration: underline;">; <;/span>;(ostream &output,const PhoneNumber &num) {output<;<;num.number;return output;}private: string number;};int main(){ PhoneNumber phone; phone.setNumber("8008100598"); cout<;<;"The phone number is:"<;<;phone<;<;endl; return 0;}
如下程序声明了一个电话号码类PhoneNumber,重载了流插入运算符<;<;,以便于电话号码的输出。请将程序补充完整。#include<;iostream>;#include<;iomanip>;#include<;string>;using namespace std;class PhoneNumber{public: void setNumber(string number){this->;number=number;}//重载流插入操作符 friend <;span style="text-decoration: underline;">; <;/span>;(ostream &output,const PhoneNumber &num) {output<;<;num.number;return output;}private: string number;};int main(){ PhoneNumber phone; phone.setNumber("8008100598"); cout<;<;"The phone number is:"<;<;phone<;<;endl; return 0;}
What type of phone will you usually use for business purpose? A: landline B: mobile phone C: online phone D: collect phone
What type of phone will you usually use for business purpose? A: landline B: mobile phone C: online phone D: collect phone
, phone me. (= In case of an accident, phone me.)
, phone me. (= In case of an accident, phone me.)
May I use the phone here?” She asked.She asked ________. A: may I use the phone there B: may she use the phone there C: she may use the phone here D: if she might use the phone there
May I use the phone here?” She asked.She asked ________. A: may I use the phone there B: may she use the phone there C: she may use the phone here D: if she might use the phone there
I was fined for using my _______ while I was driving. A: landline phone B: mobile phone C: pay phone
I was fined for using my _______ while I was driving. A: landline phone B: mobile phone C: pay phone
There is ______ old phone on the table. ______ phone is hers. A: an; The B: the; An C: a; The D: the; The
There is ______ old phone on the table. ______ phone is hers. A: an; The B: the; An C: a; The D: the; The
- ________ Jack ________ on the phone again? - Yes. He often ________ on the phone for an hour.
- ________ Jack ________ on the phone again? - Yes. He often ________ on the phone for an hour.
One of necessities for business phone calls is the purpose of phone conversation.
One of necessities for business phone calls is the purpose of phone conversation.
61. I found the telephone number in the __. A: phone book B: ook of phone C: phone's book D: phone-book
61. I found the telephone number in the __. A: phone book B: ook of phone C: phone's book D: phone-book