使用String对象的indexOf()方法查找字符串”helloworld”中是否包含G,下列语句描述正确的是()。 A: 字符串"helloworld"中不包含G字符,indexOf返回0 B: 字符串"helloworld"中不包含G字符,indexOf返回null C: 字符串"helloworld"中不包含G字符,indexOf返回-1 D: 字符串"helloworld"中不包含G字符,indexOf返回1
使用String对象的indexOf()方法查找字符串”helloworld”中是否包含G,下列语句描述正确的是()。 A: 字符串"helloworld"中不包含G字符,indexOf返回0 B: 字符串"helloworld"中不包含G字符,indexOf返回null C: 字符串"helloworld"中不包含G字符,indexOf返回-1 D: 字符串"helloworld"中不包含G字符,indexOf返回1
智慧职教: indexOf() 方法对大小写敏感
智慧职教: indexOf() 方法对大小写敏感
下面关于MAP说法正确的有() A: MAP=1/3SBP+2/3DBP B: MAP=DBP+1/3脉压 C: MAP=CO×SVR D: MAP=(SBP+DBP)/2 E: MAP=(2DBP+SBP)×1/3
下面关于MAP说法正确的有() A: MAP=1/3SBP+2/3DBP B: MAP=DBP+1/3脉压 C: MAP=CO×SVR D: MAP=(SBP+DBP)/2 E: MAP=(2DBP+SBP)×1/3
We are going to discuss his suggestion that ______________________. A: everyone must have a map B: everyone has a map C: everyone have a map D: everyone had a map
We are going to discuss his suggestion that ______________________. A: everyone must have a map B: everyone has a map C: everyone have a map D: everyone had a map
下列语句正确的是?() A: Map B: Map<> C: HashMap< D: Map<String,String>
下列语句正确的是?() A: Map B: Map<> C: HashMap< D: Map<String,String>
平均动脉压的计算公式是() A: mAP=DBP+2/3(SBP-DBP) B: mAP=DBP+1/3(SBP-DBP) C: mAP=1/3(2SBP+DBP) D: mAP=2/3(SBP+2DBP) E: mAP=2DBP+1/3SBP
平均动脉压的计算公式是() A: mAP=DBP+2/3(SBP-DBP) B: mAP=DBP+1/3(SBP-DBP) C: mAP=1/3(2SBP+DBP) D: mAP=2/3(SBP+2DBP) E: mAP=2DBP+1/3SBP
There is ________ map in the classroom. ________ map is on the wall. A: a ; A B: the ; The C: a ; The D: the ; A
There is ________ map in the classroom. ________ map is on the wall. A: a ; A B: the ; The C: a ; The D: the ; A
List、Set、Map哪个继承自Collection接口,以下说法正确的是() List Map List Map Set List Set Set Map
List、Set、Map哪个继承自Collection接口,以下说法正确的是() List Map List Map Set List Set Set Map
若字符串的indexOf()方法查找失败,则返回( )
若字符串的indexOf()方法查找失败,则返回( )
关于String类的indexOf说法不正确的是( )
关于String类的indexOf说法不正确的是( )