• 2022-05-29 问题

    The face value of the bill is one dollar, but its ____value is nothing but that of a piece of paper.

    The face value of the bill is one dollar, but its ____value is nothing but that of a piece of paper.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    for the US residents, one US dollar equals to 7.05 RMB is the direct quotation.

    for the US residents, one US dollar equals to 7.05 RMB is the direct quotation.

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    If the U.S. dollar and British pound have a flexible exchange rate, and the U.S. dollar changes so that one needs more dollars to buy one pound, the currency has A: depreciated. B: appreciated. C: devalued. D: revalued.

    If the U.S. dollar and British pound have a flexible exchange rate, and the U.S. dollar changes so that one needs more dollars to buy one pound, the currency has A: depreciated. B: appreciated. C: devalued. D: revalued.

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Which one of the following statements is the MOST accurate? A: A rise in the interest rate offered by dollar deposits causes the dollar to appreciate. B: A rise in the interest rate offered by dollar deposits causes the dollar to depreciate. C: A rise in the interest rate offered by dollar deposits does not affect the U.S. dollar. D: For a given euro interest rate and constant forward exchange rate, a rise in the interest rate offered by dollar deposits causes the dollar to appreciate.

    Which one of the following statements is the MOST accurate? A: A rise in the interest rate offered by dollar deposits causes the dollar to appreciate. B: A rise in the interest rate offered by dollar deposits causes the dollar to depreciate. C: A rise in the interest rate offered by dollar deposits does not affect the U.S. dollar. D: For a given euro interest rate and constant forward exchange rate, a rise in the interest rate offered by dollar deposits causes the dollar to appreciate.

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Audrey Hepburn was paid ( ) for her work in the UNICEF. A: three million dollars B: one dollar a year

    Audrey Hepburn was paid ( ) for her work in the UNICEF. A: three million dollars B: one dollar a year

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Audrey Hepburn was paid ( ) a year for her work in UNICEF. A: three million dollars B: one dollar

    Audrey Hepburn was paid ( ) a year for her work in UNICEF. A: three million dollars B: one dollar

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    I can see that you owe 25 cents a day. That will be one dollar and fifty cents total.Owe means '欠'.

    I can see that you owe 25 cents a day. That will be one dollar and fifty cents total.Owe means '欠'.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    What is the exchange rate between RMB and USD in Mr. Brown’s memo? It’s one US dollar to _____________ yuan.

    What is the exchange rate between RMB and USD in Mr. Brown’s memo? It’s one US dollar to _____________ yuan.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】在纽约,晚间加收的价格为( )。 A.0.3 dollar B.0.4 dollar C.0.5 dollar D.1 dollar

    【单选题】在纽约,晚间加收的价格为( )。 A.0.3 dollar B.0.4 dollar C.0.5 dollar D.1 dollar

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    W: This red shirt is $ 20.00, and the blue one is a dollar more.M: The black one is twice as much as the blue one. How much is the black shirt(). A: $20.00. B: $21.00. C: $42.00. D: $10.00.

    W: This red shirt is $ 20.00, and the blue one is a dollar more.M: The black one is twice as much as the blue one. How much is the black shirt(). A: $20.00. B: $21.00. C: $42.00. D: $10.00.

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