All fragile things are breakable things....hings. Therefore, ()
All fragile things are breakable things....hings. Therefore, ()
If you malign ( ) another person, do you say nice things, or bad things about them? A: nice things B: bad things
If you malign ( ) another person, do you say nice things, or bad things about them? A: nice things B: bad things
物联网的英文名称是( ) A: Things of Internet B: Internet of Things C: Things Contact Internet D: Internet Contact Things
物联网的英文名称是( ) A: Things of Internet B: Internet of Things C: Things Contact Internet D: Internet Contact Things
(), his work is of great value than mine. A: All things considered B: Considering all things C: Considered all things D: All things considering
(), his work is of great value than mine. A: All things considered B: Considering all things C: Considered all things D: All things considering
______, her paper is of greater value than yours. A: All things be considered B: All things considered C: All things are being considered D: All things are considered
______, her paper is of greater value than yours. A: All things be considered B: All things considered C: All things are being considered D: All things are considered
_____, the price would be reasonable. A: A. All things are considered B: B. For all things consider C: C. All things considered D: D. If all things considered
_____, the price would be reasonable. A: A. All things are considered B: B. For all things consider C: C. All things considered D: D. If all things considered
_____, her suggestion is of greater value than yours. A: All things considering B: All things considered C: All things were considered D: With all things were considered
_____, her suggestion is of greater value than yours. A: All things considering B: All things considered C: All things were considered D: With all things were considered
The things that are priorities in our lives are things we usually do.
The things that are priorities in our lives are things we usually do.
___, I would buy the red coat not the green one. A: To be equal to other things B: Other things being equal C: Other things to be equal D: Were other things to be equal
___, I would buy the red coat not the green one. A: To be equal to other things B: Other things being equal C: Other things to be equal D: Were other things to be equal
From TV, boys and girls can ________. A: learn nothing B: learn good things and bad things C: learn good things D: learn all the things they can learn from school
From TV, boys and girls can ________. A: learn nothing B: learn good things and bad things C: learn good things D: learn all the things they can learn from school