• 2022-06-17 问题

    若有以下定义,则对变量student1中“生日”的正确赋值方式是( )。struct student{ int num; char name[20], sex; struct { int year, month, day; } birthday;} ; struct student student1; A: student1.birthday.year = 2003;student1.birthday.month = 5;student1.birthday.day = 1; B: year = 2003;month = 5;day = 1; C: birthday.year = 2003;birthday.month = 5;birthday.day = 1; D: student1.year = 2003;student1.month = 5;student1.day = 1;

    若有以下定义,则对变量student1中“生日”的正确赋值方式是( )。struct student{ int num; char name[20], sex; struct { int year, month, day; } birthday;} ; struct student student1; A: student1.birthday.year = 2003;student1.birthday.month = 5;student1.birthday.day = 1; B: year = 2003;month = 5;day = 1; C: birthday.year = 2003;birthday.month = 5;birthday.day = 1; D: student1.year = 2003;student1.month = 5;student1.day = 1;

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Student of the month

    Student of the month

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    删除student表中id为1的记录() A: TRUNCATE FROM student where id=1; B: DELETE student where id=1; C: DELETE FROM student where id=1; D: DELETE INTO student where id=1;

    删除student表中id为1的记录() A: TRUNCATE FROM student where id=1; B: DELETE student where id=1; C: DELETE FROM student where id=1; D: DELETE INTO student where id=1;

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    删除student表中id为1的记录,下列语句正确的是 A: DELETE student WHERE id=1; B: DELETE FROM student WHERE id=1; C: DELETE FROM student WHERE id:=1; D: DELETE student WHERE id:=1;

    删除student表中id为1的记录,下列语句正确的是 A: DELETE student WHERE id=1; B: DELETE FROM student WHERE id=1; C: DELETE FROM student WHERE id:=1; D: DELETE student WHERE id:=1;

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Alex Ahmed said she organized a student discussion on campus this month to debate whether they should work for tech companies ________ decisions they believed to be unethical.

    Alex Ahmed said she organized a student discussion on campus this month to debate whether they should work for tech companies ________ decisions they believed to be unethical.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    用SQL语句将STUDENT表中字段“年龄”的值加1,可以使用的命令是( )。 A: REPLACE STUDENT 年龄 WITH 年龄 + 1 B: UPDATE STUDENT SET 年龄 = 年龄 + 1 C: REPLACE STUDENT 年龄 = 年龄 + 1 D: UPDATE STUDENT 年龄 WITH 年龄 + 1

    用SQL语句将STUDENT表中字段“年龄”的值加1,可以使用的命令是( )。 A: REPLACE STUDENT 年龄 WITH 年龄 + 1 B: UPDATE STUDENT SET 年龄 = 年龄 + 1 C: REPLACE STUDENT 年龄 = 年龄 + 1 D: UPDATE STUDENT 年龄 WITH 年龄 + 1

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    用SQL语句将STUDENT表中字段“年龄”的值加1,可以使用的命令是( )。 A: REPLACE STUDENT 年龄 = 年龄 +1 B: REPLACE STUDENT 年龄 WITH 年龄 +1 C: UPDATE STUDENT SET 年龄 = 年龄+1 D: UPDATE STUDENT SET 年龄 WITH 年龄+1

    用SQL语句将STUDENT表中字段“年龄”的值加1,可以使用的命令是( )。 A: REPLACE STUDENT 年龄 = 年龄 +1 B: REPLACE STUDENT 年龄 WITH 年龄 +1 C: UPDATE STUDENT SET 年龄 = 年龄+1 D: UPDATE STUDENT SET 年龄 WITH 年龄+1

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    下面结构体的定义如下:struct student{ char name[32]; struct date{ int day; int month; int year; }birthday;};错误的初始化语句是: A: struct student s1={'Li',1,1,2000}; B: struct student s1={"Li",{1,1,2000}}; C: struct student s1={"Li",1,1,2000}; D: struct student s1={"Li",1,1};

    下面结构体的定义如下:struct student{ char name[32]; struct date{ int day; int month; int year; }birthday;};错误的初始化语句是: A: struct student s1={'Li',1,1,2000}; B: struct student s1={"Li",{1,1,2000}}; C: struct student s1={"Li",1,1,2000}; D: struct student s1={"Li",1,1};

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    ‌下面结构体的定义如下:‎‌struct student{‎‌ char name[32];‎‌ struct date{‎‌ int day;‎‌ int month;‎‌ int year;‎‌ }birthday;‎‌};‎‌错误的初始化语句是:‎ A: struct student s1={'Li',1,1,2000}; B: struct student s1={"Li",{1,1,2000}}; C: struct student s1={"Li",1,1,2000}; D: struct student s1={"Li",1,1};

    ‌下面结构体的定义如下:‎‌struct student{‎‌ char name[32];‎‌ struct date{‎‌ int day;‎‌ int month;‎‌ int year;‎‌ }birthday;‎‌};‎‌错误的初始化语句是:‎ A: struct student s1={'Li',1,1,2000}; B: struct student s1={"Li",{1,1,2000}}; C: struct student s1={"Li",1,1,2000}; D: struct student s1={"Li",1,1};

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    已知学生记录描述为:struct student { int no ; char name[20]; char sex; struct { int year; int month ; int day ; } birth ; } s ;设结构变量 s 中的“birth”是“1985年10月1日”,则下面正确的赋值方式是( ) A: year=1985 month=10 day=1 B: birth.year=1985birth.month=10birth.day=1 C: s.birth.year=1985s.birth.month=10s.birth.day=1 D: s.year=1985 s.month=10 s.day=1

    已知学生记录描述为:struct student { int no ; char name[20]; char sex; struct { int year; int month ; int day ; } birth ; } s ;设结构变量 s 中的“birth”是“1985年10月1日”,则下面正确的赋值方式是( ) A: year=1985 month=10 day=1 B: birth.year=1985birth.month=10birth.day=1 C: s.birth.year=1985s.birth.month=10s.birth.day=1 D: s.year=1985 s.month=10 s.day=1

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