Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products. A: sloppy B: sluggish C: slump D: slur
Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products. A: sloppy B: sluggish C: slump D: slur
The following eating habits are healthy except _______. A: eating whole grains B: eating more vegetables and fruits C: drinking milk everyday D: sloppy breakfast
The following eating habits are healthy except _______. A: eating whole grains B: eating more vegetables and fruits C: drinking milk everyday D: sloppy breakfast
Whenyou send an email to a customer or an employee, carefully check your spelling and grammar. All your communications represent your business. As a result, a message full of misspellings and unclear sentences will convey to others that your work is equally sloppy.sloppy: A: careless B: careful C: competent
Whenyou send an email to a customer or an employee, carefully check your spelling and grammar. All your communications represent your business. As a result, a message full of misspellings and unclear sentences will convey to others that your work is equally sloppy.sloppy: A: careless B: careful C: competent