Earnings per share (EPS) represents current earnings while price to earnings ratio represents future earnings.
Earnings per share (EPS) represents current earnings while price to earnings ratio represents future earnings.
Profitability is the ability of the firm to generate earnings.
Profitability is the ability of the firm to generate earnings.
If future earnings are expected to be higher than current earnings (that is, growth in earnings is expected), the P/E will be low. ( )
If future earnings are expected to be higher than current earnings (that is, growth in earnings is expected), the P/E will be low. ( )
Transitory earnings are current earnings that are likely to be maintained in the future. ( )
Transitory earnings are current earnings that are likely to be maintained in the future. ( )
Dividends<br/>declared: () A: Reduce<br/>retained earnings. B: Increase<br/>retained earnings. C: Reduce<br/>net income. D: Increase<br/>net income.
Dividends<br/>declared: () A: Reduce<br/>retained earnings. B: Increase<br/>retained earnings. C: Reduce<br/>net income. D: Increase<br/>net income.
A P/E ratio considers _____ A: profits relative to earnings B: price of the stock relative to earnings C: price of a preferred stock relative to earnings D: profits relative to equity
A P/E ratio considers _____ A: profits relative to earnings B: price of the stock relative to earnings C: price of a preferred stock relative to earnings D: profits relative to equity
The firm will __________ workers for their loss of earnings. A: pay B: compensate C: comfort D: charge
The firm will __________ workers for their loss of earnings. A: pay B: compensate C: comfort D: charge
They become accustomed to spending their earnings on drugs.同义句 A: They become used to spending their earnings on drugs B: They become customers of drug shop.
They become accustomed to spending their earnings on drugs.同义句 A: They become used to spending their earnings on drugs B: They become customers of drug shop.
EPS is short for Earnings per Share.
EPS is short for Earnings per Share.
Which of the following will not affect retained earnings?
Which of the following will not affect retained earnings?